Sunday, February 1, 2009

More Bad Press for Centerville...

Pioneer Press 2/1/2009

Centerville residents are finding strength in numbers as they fight what they consider hefty and poorly timed special assessments.

The Peltier Lake Drive Group is made up of dozens of residents who have banded together to contest the assessments for a $4 million road and water project meant to improve streets and hook up homes with private wells to city water. The group is considering several options — from negotiating a smaller bill to a lawsuit, should it come to that.

"The neighbors are very concerned about having to pay for a road for the third time. Everyone is of the same feelings and, therefore, formed a group to find a solution to this problem that would mutually benefit both sides — a win-win situation," said organizer Daniel Skoog, who lives on Peltier Lake Drive.

A battle over the project has been brewing for months. Many of the 250 affected residents are baffled that the city is forging ahead. They say now isn't the time to hit homeowners with special assessments.

This will be the third time in 30 years that many of his neighbors have paid for a new road on Peltier Lake Drive, Skoog said. They were most recently assessed in the late 1980s, he said.

"We're talking about large assessments against the neighbors at a time when the economy is terrible," he said.

Full Story Here


Anonymous said...

With all the budget cuts and layoffs, it is criminal that our City officials would charge ahead. These current times are being compared to the GREAT DEPRESSION!
What the H#@@ us wrong with our elected officials?!!
Many cities have canceled all improvements in light of the current economy.
I guess when you are an official in Centerville and nobody is watching (and you have an attorney on your side) you can do whatever you want!
Welcome to STUPID-VILLE!!!

Anonymous said...


STOP THIS MADNESS! Wake up city politicians! Leave your egos at the City Hall door! We are a community that may need to depend on one another in the tough times ahead. You are creating a division right now that is not necessary. The future of this country right now is bleak. Pull your head out of the bubble. We are looking at a very good possibility of the devaluation of our dollar, hyperinflation, 46 out of 50 states ready to file bankruptcy, loss of many more jobs. It may not be on the mainstream media but it certainly is out there on the web by creditable people. I certainly hope our city politicians don't go to church or consider themselves christians. You need to find a new church that truly teaches the word of God. Treating your community in this manner is anti-christian. Separation of church and state is meant that our government shall not interfere with our religious freedoms. It does not mean that we are to leave our faith at the City Hall door. God's law is 24/7 no matter what you are doing. His law is SUPREME! Yes, even over our city politicians. No person is supreme. God is. During the Nazi war crimes the Nazi soldiers were found guilty because they listened to their commanding officers rather than God's law aka natural law. If you continue to think this way, he will thump your gourd. If you don't believe me then you have not been taught the Bible. I strongly suggest that anyone that has not been taught the Bible, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book needs to. This will give you the strength and truth like you have never heard before especially during these times of deception and uncertainty. That's why this country is in so much morale decay and we have city politicians that act like a dictatorship. I suggest you watch Pastor Arnold Murray of Shepherd's Chapel. He is usually on Monday through Friday, from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. (check your local listing)or you can hear him on the web. He teaches the Bible like no one else I know of. He truly is a pastor of his flock and it is amazing how clear and simple God's word is.

Have the city politicians thought that if this economy continues downhill, that people will be forced to pinch their money so much that it could even mean the difference between paying their assessments and their children going without fresh fruit, vegetables, a hamburger, or milk because the assessment needs to be paid to keep their homes? God says love our enemies. You know what he really means by that it means get tough with them. Show them how wrong their actions are. It's also called tough love. If they still don't listen, then God will deal with them. He will thump their gourd. He will put holes in their bucket of life. My message to the City politicians is if they continue on this path of destruction and if economic times become hard, don't come knocking at my door for food. No one will answer. We are getting a small dose of what the New World order will be like. Learn your Bible because very few are teaching it correctly. You will need the strength and truth!

One more suggestion for our City politicians maybe when you meet with the Beard Group in February you can have them draw in a homeless shelter and we could qualify for a grant. If we can't, that's okay because the federal government has FEMA camps ready for us.

God will always bless his people that continue to fight evil. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Centerville, MN aka New World Order, MN

Anonymous said...

"Many of the 250 affected residents are baffled that the city is forging ahead"

Why wouldn't the City forge ahead? Our elected officials have done exactly what they have wanted for years.
Thank God this is actually getting some attention in the press and on this blog.
The road assessments are wrong and just another example of how poorly Centerville is being run.
Should Centerville pay over 80 thousand annually to a finance director? Mary Capra seems to think so. Thank her for your assessment.
This salary would go a long way toward fixing the roads and IS YOUR MONEY!
Keep fighting citizens! Even if it means a lawsuit!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Tom Lee said that the finance director brought 3 mil into the City during the past 5 years.

Danged if I can find it. Can you?

Anonymous said...

Guess it wasn't spent on road repair now was it?

Anonymous said...

Notice that nobody is standing with the City and their decision?
Usually someone (from the city) does.

Anonymous said...

The finance director brought in 3 mil in grants but what they don't tell us is how much the city had to add to EACH grant. No not the city, the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

I see recently in the local newspaper that even the City of Hugo is trying to cut back.

Today I heard Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster is predicting by the end of this year that unemployment could be up to 35% and we are going into a depression that will be five times worst than the Great Depression. Do the research City officials. Let the people keep their money so they can get ready for this economic crisis. If you don't, this could very well turn into a ghost town. I hope no one is laughing. This is serious. Start stocking up on food now. This is going to be rough.