Monday, November 17, 2008

Decision Still Delayed On Project Monitoring Request

The Citizen

Centerville City Council members have delayed their decision on a request by the city engineer for a more that 50 percent increase to his bill to oversee work on CSAH 14.
Engineer Mark Statz explained at the city's September 24 meeting that his company's initial cost estimate of $55,428 to oversee Anoka County's work on CSAH 14 through Centerville had fallen short by some way as the 20 weeks of work budgeted in the 2007 and 2008 was insufficient to see the project through completion. "The reality of the situation is that the time has proved to be significantly less than what we really needed so we are asking at this point to increase our bill on this project by $35,000 to continue our efforts through to the end of the project," said Statz.

Statz added that engineering staff had been spending on average 20 hours a week observing and reviewing the work of the Anoka County contractor on CSAH 14. “Our staff was so short this summer it was not able to do it,” added City Administrator Dallas Larson. “There were things that went wrong right away and we did need to have eyes and ears on the project, so there was some justification for having the time on the project.” City council members tabled the decision until their next meeting.

Although our City Council tabled the decision to the next meeting (almost two months ago) as of today, this issue is not reflected in the minutes. Why? Good question!
Why were City officials compelled to spend any amount of money overseeing a County project? Anoka County has an engineer working on CSAH 14 yet our City Administrator felt it necessary to have eyes and ears on the project? To the tune of some $90,000?
Mark Statz is not the Centerville City Engineer per say, but rather a consultant for Bonestroo. The following links show that other city's have chosen to make that distinction. For some reason Centerville has not.

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