Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Follow Centerville Via Twitter?

Also at the Sept. 8 meeting Mayor Mary Capra announced the city’s second online undertaking: Centerville has joined the social networking site Twitter. This means that residents can now receive short – 140 characters or less – news updates directly from the city. “It’s a way of getting a message out to people in rapid fashion [and] it’s free,” Capra said. Twitter also allows users to get updates sent directly to their cell phones. To join, Twitter fans can sign up at Twitter. com and follow CentervilleMN.
The Citizen

This is an interesting development coming from a Mayor that states she doesn't blog. Mary Capra is now going to support Twitter? Really?
So far there are two followers to the City Twitter account CentervilleMN . Council Member Ben Fehrenbacher and CentervilleBlog. That's right... We just opened a Twitter account today to keep an eye on them.
Remember to play nice everyone!