Monday, April 20, 2009

City Council/Finance Director History Circa 2005

Click the above images to enlarge and read the approved City minutes.

Mary Capra, Tom Lee, Jeff Paar and Linda Broussard-Vickers all questioned his job performance (section two) in January 2005. A full six months before he accepted a position with Lightowler, Johnson and Associates. Today they claim there has never been a problem?

“I’m not aware of anything [concerning Meyer’s job performance] that would raise any huge red flags,” Larson told The Citizen. “If he was resourceful enough to generate a few dollars on the side in a consulting business, that’s fine, as long as it didn’t affect his job here.”
Several council members, including Tom Lee and Mayor Mary Capra, say they were aware that Meyer had a consulting business, a fact that Lee says was disclosed at the time of Meyer’s interview in 2004.
The Citizen

For a little history (section three) on our City Administrator