Monday, November 17, 2008

Decision Still Delayed On Project Monitoring Request

The Citizen

Centerville City Council members have delayed their decision on a request by the city engineer for a more that 50 percent increase to his bill to oversee work on CSAH 14.
Engineer Mark Statz explained at the city's September 24 meeting that his company's initial cost estimate of $55,428 to oversee Anoka County's work on CSAH 14 through Centerville had fallen short by some way as the 20 weeks of work budgeted in the 2007 and 2008 was insufficient to see the project through completion. "The reality of the situation is that the time has proved to be significantly less than what we really needed so we are asking at this point to increase our bill on this project by $35,000 to continue our efforts through to the end of the project," said Statz.

Statz added that engineering staff had been spending on average 20 hours a week observing and reviewing the work of the Anoka County contractor on CSAH 14. “Our staff was so short this summer it was not able to do it,” added City Administrator Dallas Larson. “There were things that went wrong right away and we did need to have eyes and ears on the project, so there was some justification for having the time on the project.” City council members tabled the decision until their next meeting.

Although our City Council tabled the decision to the next meeting (almost two months ago) as of today, this issue is not reflected in the minutes. Why? Good question!
Why were City officials compelled to spend any amount of money overseeing a County project? Anoka County has an engineer working on CSAH 14 yet our City Administrator felt it necessary to have eyes and ears on the project? To the tune of some $90,000?
Mark Statz is not the Centerville City Engineer per say, but rather a consultant for Bonestroo. The following links show that other city's have chosen to make that distinction. For some reason Centerville has not.

Link Here
Link Here
Link Here
Link Here
Link Here
Link Here


Anonymous said...

The City spanking continues!

Anonymous said...

I always thought he was the city engineer. Does he get paid by the city and bonestroo?
Will the audit check that?

Anonymous said...

Link two shows him as "staff" for Centerville but the other city's clarify him as representing Bonestroo.
Does he work for both?

Anonymous said...

No he works for Bonestroo. Stop trying to find things. The City pays Bonestroo for engineering consulting. Look at the receipts and disbursements in the agenda packets.

Anonymous said...

If he works for Bonestroo, the city should not him as staff in the minutes!

Further, the state audit will look at all the receipts and disbursements.

Anonymous said...

"Stop trying to find things."
Interesting comment...

Anonymous said...

Looks like the City is chiming in again.

Anonymous said...

How come they don't say the Pledge of Allegiance at our Council meetings?

Anonymous said...

"Look at the receipts and disbursements in the agenda packets."

You mean the recently updated (since the audit certification) agenda packets?

What is wrong with the Pledge of Allegiance, anyway? Don't we have a decorated war vet sitting on Council?

Anonymous said...

Where did the Park and Rec meeting minutes go for 2006 and 2007?
It says image not available on the Centerville City website.

Anonymous said...

I guess that would fall under the title:
Stop Trying to Find Things

Copy and Paste

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they are hiding the P&R meeting minutes under committees so people can't find them. You people really need to get a life. And I really wish this blog would stop using the local paper as their bases of facts. If they are so interested in the City they should be attending every meeting.

Anonymous said...

The fact is that all of the P and R meeting minutes for 2006/2007 are gone. The City did something with them since the audit certification. Why?
What is wrong with using the local papers for information? They are factual, are they not?
The residents do not have to attend the meetings so long as they are available via cable television.
There are more of us than the City realizes. It is obvious in that this blog is more current than the City website.
A day late and a dollar short, so the saying goes...
The last posted Council minutes are 10/22/2008. Don't get me wrong, almost a month behind is a GIANT improvement.

Anonymous said...

The P&R minutes are not gone. You are just looking in the wrong place. After I read your comment I went to the City's web site and they are there. Do you need your hand held to find them? Watching Cable tv is one thing, but being at the meeting and is another. How are you to make a comment if you are not physically there? The press is not always accurate, it is one person opinion. And you are taking that person opinion as fact. Sure they report what happens, motions to approve or deny, but most of the time they do not give the discussion that took place to come to a decision. Even the meeting minutes are leave out a lot of the discussion.

Anonymous said...

"The P&R minutes are not gone. You are just looking in the wrong place."

Um, I know the correct place to find the minutes and the years of 2006 and 2007 are still unavailable.
You are correct about the other minutes being available because they were never removed.
As far as watching the council on cable... Reviewing the tapes are far better than attending in person.

Anonymous said...

Watching meetings on cable is fine. Why be there in person? They won't let you make comments. You need prior authorization before the meeting to speak and then they can deny you if they want. Where is freedom of speech?