Thursday, October 23, 2008

Petition Against The Petition?

Whoa! The current council actually threw that out there on the October 22 meeting. The attorney stated that "The City is not as of yet sponsoring a counter petition" during the session.
To clarify, one of the State Audit Petition walkers had heard on the street that Mayor Mary Capra was spouting off about some residents wanting their names removed after they had initially signed. Instead of contacting us or returning our emails to find a solution, she decided to make political hay out of it. She even contacted the local newspapers and attempted to put her own spin on the story. Fortunately, the Pioneer Press reported both sides.
Link Here

No one associated with this group has been contacted regarding this issue and if they had, the names would have definitely been removed! The petition for the State Audit is a legal process and nobody associated with this group would jeopardize its legitimacy by refusing to remove a few names. There was contact information left with the petition signers that would have made it quite easy to contact this blog. In fact, many residents have had no problem finding us on their own. The support for this blog and the petition have been overwhelming.

The fact that the City Attorney is again involved (billing by the hour) and that Council formally put this issue on the agenda last night is curious. What are they afraid of?
The voices of the people will be finally heard in Centerville. Unfortunately, they have to go to the County and State level to make it happen.

Read the comments section to view some of the emails we have received.


Anonymous said...

Cool sight. My neighbor sent me the link. How can I go about signing the petition? I’ve not seen it yet.
Happy Halloween (lets get rid of our SCARY Mayor)

Anonymous said...

Just a follow up to see how the petition is going. Have you gotten
enough signatures yet? When do you have to submit the petition? Thanks
Amber Kispert
Quad Community Press

Anonymous said...
I'm planning to give you a call tomorrow (Monday) about it, but I thought I'd email as well, to alert you to a possibility. I thought it would be great to have a photo of you and several others who have been the driving force behind getting this petition together and doing all the door knocking, along with the petition itself, of course, to run alongside the story I'll do.
Best wishes,
(The Citizen)

Anonymous said...
Where can I sign the Audit petition?

Anonymous said...

What is your timeline for collecting signatures? I would be willing to help out if I had more information on the timeframe and indepth information on how we got to this point, prior to going out and solicting signatures. I am aware of the spending issues, but I am assuming there are many other reasons why we are getting to this point. Is there someone I could call to get more info.

Anonymous said...

I would like to sign the petition, but I do not know who to contact. Please email me back with the information.

Anonymous said...
Thanks for putting on the meeting Sep 16. I attended but forgot to give you a card with my email. Please add me to your email list.

Anonymous said...
I too live on a street that the city has re-done and is now requiring everyone to hook up to city water. Back in the late 80’s there was even a class action law suit filed against the city blocking them from putting water in till now. I was planning on doing some research on the class action and see what the judgment truly was against the city to see if they could be blocked again. One can only hope.

Anonymous said...
We had heard rumor about 'a group', but that was a while ago. SOOOOOOOOOO glad you guys are out there! My husband and I are exhausted and frankly, fed up with this town. Truly, we feel the City of Centerville stole our dreams! BY ALL MEANS, if our story can help "CCETR" in ANY way, feel free to post on your blog!
Thank you for informing us about "CCETR". We will be sure to tell other residents we know that are concerned as well.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I have been actively fighting the taking of our property
since the summer of 2007.
I have run out of money to go to the next phase of our suit which is
litigation. I have heard from our neighborhood that people want to build on to their home, put up fences, or garden sheds and the city will not give permits because we have been zoned non-conforming and these neighbors are interesting in fighting the city.
The reason I started this neighborhood action and followed through with my own lawsuit is that we have been wronged. We no longer own our property but the city owns it with their plan. If I win, the best that will come out of it for me will be that the codes will be changed and I
can build my addition or the development plan will be reasonably re-written which will not include the "condemnation" language in which case it will be easier to sell.
It got so frustrating because we were the only ones in Centerville at the time that was being effected and my neighborhood lost the gusto (two years ago). They are frustrated again though and I know many will join in on the street assessment issue and water main issue.
ps. my house was target with a 25K value increase. This was laughable
considering my windows were falling out of my house. I was the only house on the block with sky rocketing value increase. The Anoka county assessor visited my house and lowered the value almost 20K. I don't know if this was a target on me but if it smells like a duck, walks like a duck.. it was probably a duck.

Anonymous said...

I can help with petitions if needed. I can also help people campaign by passing out leaflets etc. Do you know if we have anyone filing for mayor or council?

Anonymous said...
I finally got news of the blog and have read the stories with great interest.
I have one question, if you are comfortable answering it.
Are any of the incumbents running for reelection to a city post onboard with the fact that Centerville needs to stop what it is doing and take care of business?
I just do not know where the incumbents stand on issues and their history of spending our
money foolishly and without our permission.
Thank you in advance for any info,

Anonymous said...

I am so tempted to write a letter indicating how much energy/time is being spent by our City Officials in an attempt to discredit the petition! They are still so blind that instead of taking a fresh look at how they are doing things, they would rather try to discredit hard-working residents. Just as if they have done nothing wrong and are under "attack" for no good reason!! It is still "us against them"!! They truly don't get it!! Their actions remind me of guilty people, what are they trying so hard to hide/protect? Generally speaking, the guilty retaliate versus explaining their actions!!

Anonymous said...

The City has been very busy pointing fingers, hasn't it? Why, if they are so concerned about their credibility and transparency in government have they not updated the council minutes since August 27?!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"how much energy/time is being spent by our City Officials in an attempt to discredit the petition!"

Not to mention the money we are paying the City Attorney to attack our own citizens. I understand that he bills by the hour.
Their behavior would be laughable if it wasn't true. Maybe we shoud start a sitcom... As Centerville turns.