Monday, January 5, 2009

2009 Street Improvement/Special Assessment Hearing Postponed Again.

The City of Centerville has not updated the website, nor utilized the City Hall sign to make the announcement that the special assessment hearing scheduled for two days from now has been postponed yet again. City officials have opted to inform residents via US mail and will be sending out notices which may not be received in time.
Per Teresa Bender, the special assessment meeting has been rescheduled to January 21st.


Anonymous said...

Did I hear the Council right? Did they really pass an ordinance that says you cannot discharge a firearm inside your home? Well, please correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't Centerville already have an ordinance which makes it illegal to discharge a firearm within the City limits? Well, maybe the Council/City Administrator doesn't believe the inside of our homes is within the City limits??? :)

Next thing you know, they will pass an ordinance that makes it illegal to contact City Hall during business hours!

Dear God, I can't wait to hear what else they have on their minds for the rest of 2009!

Anonymous said...

Maybe there should be a law about driving vehicles with deeply tinted windows? Oh wait, there is one, but evidently the city administrator is above the law, because he has been driving a vehicle with illegally tinted windows since he began working for this City!

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha! The City just updated the website to finally inform the citizens of the meeting change.
Funny stuff! They even apologized for any inconvenience they may have caused. Hopefully, there won't be too many people rushing through dinner to show up on for the canceled meeting.
Maybe they will take your advice and start using the City Hall sign for important community announcements like this.

Anonymous said...

I rearranged my work schedule to attend the meeting on Wednesday. What is the reason for the late change? The city should cite that on the website alongside the apology so it doesn't look as though they are playing games.

Anonymous said...

"Did I hear the Council right? Did they really pass an ordinance that says you cannot discharge a firearm inside your home?"

Someone has been paying attention...
The December 30 meeting will air again on channel 15/16 at 6 pm this evening, noon tomorrow and various times throughout the week.

Anonymous said...

The meetings are replayed as follows:

Noon Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday.

6 p.m. Sunday, Monday, Thursday Friday.