Friday, November 21, 2008

Why Does the City Continue to Call Mark Statz Our City Engineer?

Why indeed, when he works for Bonestroo? He is a hired consultant for this company and IS NOT a paid employee of Centerville. Why in 2006 did we pay $480,000 for engineering costs...
Link Here
October 22, 2008
Council Minutes
Statz is referred to as a Staff Member which is incorrect.
Where do his loyalties lie? With Bonestroo or the City of Centerville? The other City's he works with call him out as a paid Bonestroo employee. Why doesn't Centerville? Why do we pay almost $100,000 for a City Administrator who overlooks such pertinent information?
Link Here


Anonymous said...

Why would Centerville oversee a COUNTY project? It sound like Bonestroo is double dipping to me.
Bring on the State audit!

Anonymous said...

I don't see what you are trying to prove. He is a consulting engineering who works for Bonestroo hired by the City. Most small cities do use a consulting engineer versus a full time city employee. Are you suggesting Centerville hire a full time employee or have the Administrator act as Centerville's engineer?

Anonymous said...

Oh my Circle Pines also refers to their consulting engineer as the CITY ENGINEER. What is going on here?

Anonymous said...

Oh no Lino Lakes also contracts engineering services and calls them him the CITY ENGINEER. Plus they have support staff for him. There must be a conspiracy going on between the cities!!!! I wonder if Lino's consulting engineer was double dipping to, as the same County project went through their city.

Anonymous said...

Guess what? Hugo calls their consulting engineer their CITY ENGINEER!!!!!!! What is going on here? All of these cities have City Administrators and Public Works Directors. Why do they need engineers too??

Anonymous said...

"I don't see what you are trying to prove. He is a consulting engineering who works for Bonestroo hired by the City."

Bonestroo has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars at the request of Statz, that's what.

$480,000 were paid to engineering fees in 2006 alone! There was also a recent request of an additional 35K by Statz for overseeing the work done on county road 14.
Wasted money might be a the point of the post. I frankly don't care what other cities do because I am not paying for it.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone give us an update on the State Audit? Where it is in the process, what they will be looking for and when it will begin?

Anonymous said...

The City pay indeed have paid $480,000 in engineering fees, but I'm guessing most of that money did not come from the general fund (tax payers dollars). Call the City's finance director before you start thinking that your tax dollars went for all of that. Typically a City will charge developers and/or others for engineering costs, so it doesn't cost the city. Check the facts, or just wait for the audit it will more than likely show this to be true. Talk about a waste of tax payers dollars.