Sunday, November 30, 2008

I’m Just Baffled at How This Stuff Works

"I am the best candidate with the most experience and have proven I can handle difficult issues and make tough decisions. I make all of my decisions based on all of the residents of the city, not just one special interest group. I have been elected twice because I keep my promises, I am honest, and the residents trust me. "

Link Here

In other action, the council:

Agreed to submit a grant application through the Safe Routes to Schools program in the hope that the old adage, “Third time’s a charm” will be true for this particular project. The application for funds to construct a tunnel crossing under CSAH 14 near Centerville Elementary School has been rejected twice previously, but city engineer Mark Statz said the city had been given a “wink, wink, nudge, nudge” from MnDOT that the application would likely succeed this time around. Council members expressed concern that if successful, the project would require the digging-up of a section of the newly relaid Main Street, but agreed that they would make a decision on whether to proceed if the funds were allocated to Centerville. “I’m just baffled at how this stuff works,” said Council Member Jeff Paar, commenting on the news that the application might be successful after the reconstruction of CSAH 14 had occurred.

The Citizen

Link Here


Anonymous said...

I'm just baffled at how this stuff works?

Are you kidding me? This coming from a sitting council member of six years?
What a pathetic joke!

Anonymous said...

This is who is running our City!

Just baffled people? Thanks for reelecting this man, Centerville.
My ten year old child could do a better job than Jeff Paar!!!
The reconstruction better not involve the expensive colored concrete.

Anonymous said...

They only care about creating a legacy for themselves. The sooner people realize this the better.
Just baffled, indeed!
Get a grip and vote against the grant. Of course, Mr. Statz is going to push for it. His company will benefit!
Wink, wink, nudge, nudge...
Bonestroo has way too much involvement in our City and benefits for every unnecessary improvement.

Anonymous said...

I guess the city hasn't listened to the people WHO PAY TAXES. Spend Spend Spend. Tear up a road just constructed. WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY! Let's pay down the debt first before voting on tearing up newly constructed roads.

WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH CITY HALL! Too many of those people up there don't live in Centerville or pay the taxes. What do they care about our city?

Anonymous said...

Centerville doesn't care what you have to say. This is evident from the way they conduct the council meetings. Mary Capra decides who gets to speak about what for two minutes at the beginning of each meeting. If she doesn't like what you are speaking about, she will shut you down.
Definitely not a government of the people for the people!
A dictatorship not a democracy here n town...
Go ahead and try to address council, I dare you! If they don't like what you have to say, you have no voice! They squash it.
Can't wait for the special assessment hearing when they are FORCED by law to listen to us.
Bring it on!
Infamous last words... Jeff Paar!

Anonymous said...

Let's waste some more money!
I love giving it to the local government for no good reason.

The sleeping giant has awoken!
Thank you Centerville Citizens Blog!

Anonymous said...

Why does Mark Statz (who is employed by Bonestroo and does not live in the Centerville) have so much credibility with the current "baffled" council?
They can still vote against this nonsense if they choose too.

Anonymous said...

“I’m just baffled at how this stuff works,” said Council Member Jeff Paar

That says it all!

Thank You!

Anonymous said...

I am baffled that he got reelected!

Anonymous said...

His bio does not claim he is smart.....

Anonymous said...

Stupid is as stupid does...
Forest Gump

Anonymous said...

How about, life is like a box of chocolates? You never know what you're gonna get.
That is obvious in Centerville!

Someone must be muzzled by the powers that be...

Anonymous said...

he got reelected with like only 21% of the vote. hardly a majority. stepanie blomseth would have held the city accountable. not to mention neale rawlings, who lost by only 20 votes.
the fact that ten people were running for three seats tells everyone that the citizens are fed up.
baffled my a$$!
keep spending, with ALL your experience, jeff!

Anonymous said...

Where did all the money go for the building permits?
I feel like taking a shower, either that or throwing up!
Experience does not equal intelligence, obviously!

Wake up Centerville! DO NOT keep electing "baffled" candidates.

You deserve the government you elect!

I can't wait to move. That is if someone is stupid enough to buy my house in this over taxed city...