Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Selective Ordinance Enforcement in Centerville

Stay tuned as we are gathering the facts to blow the lid off City Hall!
Why don't our City officials like the term selective ordinance enforcement? We will expose it!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

gee...I wonder who this is........
looks like you have too much time on your hands.

ps. get a dictionary or use spell check

Anonymous said...

So is this blog in favor of hiring an additional staffer to enforce all of the ordinances on the books? Gee.. I think that would raise taxes, wouldn't it?

Yet another post on the waste of time blog that fails to provide any solutions..... unless complaining is a solution?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Resident says....

There is so much selective enforcement in this city its unbelievable! How about the single mailboxes on Old Mill Road? Mailboxes are suppose to be in clusters, they have been up for over a year, has anyone cited them for a ordinance violation? If not why??? How about one of the P&Z members that has a ordinance violation, has he been cited? I bet not. Tell me that's not selective enforcement!!!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn’t it make sense to point out the fact that there are over 100 residents in violation of the same City ordinance? Centerville seems to only enforce the ordinance code on a complaint basis, which would mean that if you do not get along with your neighbor, you are in trouble! To mention someone by name while posting as anonymous seems rather cowardly.

Anonymous said...

This comment originally posted by anonymous on October 11, 2008 3:16 PM has been edited by the moderator. The name of a private citizen has been removed

If the city gives you a citation for an ordinance violation; either take care of it or work it out with the city. Do not run around accussing over 100 of your neighbors of violations(XXXX obviously has too much time on her hands). Be an adult deal with your own issues and stay out of my yard.

Anonymous said...

This comment originally posted by anonymous on October 12, 2008 11:57 AM has been edited by the moderator. The names of private citizens have been removed.

If you had been monitoring your yard, like you did on the day it was raining and the Rice Creek Watershed was at XXXX house, then you would know that XXXX wasn't in your yard. Walking up and down the boulevard with your umbrella, like a cat waiting to pounce. Then you would've known it was the Rice Creek Watershed's representative that was in your yard! Frankly, the City should stay out of Civil cases, period! How about mediation, with someone outside our city?

Anonymous said...

"So is this blog in favor of hiring an additional staffer to enforce all of the ordinances on the books?"
This citizen is in favor of enforcing the ordinances EQUALLY! Many of the ordinances are ridiculous and should be ignored, EQUALLY! No need to hire an additional staff member to do that.

Anonymous said...

Well according to the Mayor's comments, we don't need to hire an additional staffer - the city council/mayor have already delegated that responsibility to the city attorney!!! Which I'm sure costs the city much more than if we simply relied on the public works dept to report ordinance violations. Not to mention, takes the "heat" off of the council/mayor, who have so diligently delegated this!

Anonymous said...

If you think this is such a waste of time blog.....I suggest you stay off of it......

you know who you are

Anonymous said...

In response to Dan. I am one of the 80+ residents named by XXXX. I reviewed the ordinance in question and I was compiant with the ordinance. So how many were truly in violation? It disturbs me that a citizen needs to blame others rather than deal with their own issues. I do not think we need private citizens driving around rightly or wrongly accussing other citizens of ordinance violations. (what if we all did that?) If your neighbor does not have a problem with a possible violation then we do not have a problem. We do not need some one that lives 6 blocks away creating a problem.

Anonymous said...

One problem is there are so many ordinances that the committees (P&Z) aren't aware of them. According to my source a letter was sent to Mayor and Dallas regarding a developer and former P&Z person who violated the mail box ordinance. Boxes must be clustered no less than 4 and no more than 6. The letter was acknowledged that there was a violation. That was last January and the boxes (3 sets of double boxes) and (two single boxes grandfathered in). Nothing has been done. Selective privelege?

Anonymous said...

"I reviewed the ordinance in question and I was compiant with the ordinance. So how many were truly in violation?"
Many, many people were in violation of the ordinance. They just didn't have hateful neighbors with too much time on their hands, complaining to the City.
It's not for you to review the ordinance for compliance, it is up to the City.
Your post is not credible. I am glad you don't live next to me!

Anonymous said...

Once again, the City Clerk walks the city and decides who she's going to complain about too. So, if she doesn't or can't walk by your residence, then you likely will never receive a ordinance violation notice, unless of course another resident receives one and takes the necessary action to get the city off their backs. Maybe the City really needs to realize there are other ways to handle these things??? I would have named every address in the city if I had to in order to fight for my rights against the tyranny of city hall. Not to mention avoid having to hire a lawyer, which city hall believes you won't find it worth the cost... Trust me, been there... love your opinion, Mr/Mrs we don't need anyone walking the streets looking for "your" violations... hope you never find yourself in this position. But the truth of the matter is, you are probably already someone "in the city" or you are someone who is a good friend with someone in city hall...Yippee for you! Your opinion seems to say, sucks to be the rest of us!!