Thursday, October 30, 2008



Anonymous said...

Here is a thought for the candidates that this blog supports.

Donate the $35,000 budgeted for Mayor and City Council's pay to your Road Maint. Fund.

Then we will see just who is really running to just serve the citizens.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aside from the paint covering the colored concrete, what about the weeks/months it could be covered over with snow, ice and white chalk from dry ice?

Exactly how much extra did the colored concrete cost? (Including expenditures of City Engineer, labor, materials, etc.) My curious husband spoke with one of the county crew working on the concrete and he stated that much more $ is being spent by the City of Centerville for the colored concrete. The county crew worker stated the colored concrete took much more time than originally scheduled and was "a real pain" (crew worker's words).

Anonymous said...

They sure don't think things through before making decisions

Anonymous said...

Mayor gets 5,000.00 a year, Council gets 4,000.00 a year
X 4 council members. That equals 21,000.00 a year. Where do you come up with 35,000.00???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Here is a thought for the candidates that this blog supports.
Donate the $35,000 budgeted for Mayor and City Council's pay to your Road Maint. Fund.
Then we will see just who is really running to just serve the citizens."

Like the current Mayor and Council are working for free? I wonder how much money feeding a giant ego is worth. We already know who is really serving the citizens and these people do not sit behind the walls of the Centerville City Hall. These people are right here, on this blog!


Anonymous said...

Get the facts. Look at the 08 Budget. $35,000 is budgeted for Mayor/Council. No the current Mayor/Council are not working for free. But you bloggers think you know it all. I'm challenging your candidates if elected to give back to Centerville, and do the job as a community service.

Anonymous said...

Hey Big Mouth, why don't you and you're other money spending addicts take YOUR checks and put them back into the general fund?
I'm sure you'll have a comment back because you ALWAYS have to comment on everything in those meetings...need some attention?

Anonymous said...

I thought this was about painting the colored concrete which really ticks me off!

Anonymous said...

You are correct, Julie. Somehow this thread was hijacked by someone not wanting to talk about painting on the expensive colored concrete which we definitely did not need.
I am furious about it too as will many residents once it is done.

Anonymous said...

Four council members and one mayor. Is that why we ended up with five different colors of concrete? Did they each get to choose one? I remember the council meeting where they spent a lot of time discussing shades of pink...
You would think that they were decorators instead of city officials.
They never once mentioned coordinating paint colors... wow!

Anonymous said...

Did any of you complaining about the downtown redevelopment project attend the numerous meetings they had in the last 5-6 years on the downtown redevelopment project?

As far as the concrete being covered up for so long, only when it snows, and that is plowed off in the same day. Not a good argument to use the weather.

Anonymous said...

I was at the meetings that effected my "personal agenda" as Jeff Paar puts it in the paper! I would rather think of this "agenda" as concerns that effect my personal life.

I didn't realize I had to attend ALL meetings to make sure the city wasn't on a spending spree. I thought the City elected good servants to handle our money. I was naive. Now you all have our attention.

Anonymous said...

You said it, Margaret! These people defending the city are probably city officials in disguise! Is is Halloween, after all.
PS we all know the damage salt does to concrete in the winter...

Anonymous said...

You guys are nothing but complainers. If you are unhappy, shut up and vote! In the meantime, call you represenative if you are unahppy with a decision.... bitching on a blog is not a form of public input. You have to take action and not hide behind a made up name on this blog.

Anonymous said...

When was the last time you heard anyone say, "I was wrong" or said so yourself? Granted, it's not easy to admit it when we're wrong, but blaming others, which is the equivalent of dishonesty, has almost become the acceptable thing to do these days. It's like a disease that has distorted our society. What once was wrong is now OK even though it really is wrong. Society thrives on racy gossip, sometimes to the point of ignoring facts. Often when the facts are revealed, we ignore them, preferring the dicey comments each of us know deep inside our souls to be false.

Passing blame, though, doesn't just harm others; its double-edged sword harms the blamer as well. While it frequently requires only a little time for unfounded blame to damage an innocent person or thing, unfortunately, it usually takes longer for us to realize that the deeper damage is to ourselves.

Dishonesty is a heavy burden to carry, and if you've ever admitted a wrongdoing, you know that no matter the consequences, you felt better about yourself after admitting it. And the quicker we admit our faults, the better we feel. Funny thing is that others feel better about us as well.

There's something clean about honesty. You bloggers ought to give it a try.

Anonymous said...

Nobody is passing blame here, just pointing out the facts.

Anonymous said...

"You have to take action and not hide behind a made up name on this blog."

Back at anonymous 2:02 PM
Do as I say, not as I do... Sound familiar? Bet you heard this a lot growing up.
Trust me, the citizens will vote on the 4th and they will never shut up...
Pandora's box has been opened.

Anonymous said...

IDIOTS..........NOW THEY ARE PAINTING OVER OUR BEAUTIFUL COLORED CONCRETE? Looks like someone didn't do their homework. Duhhhh Its in front of a school. No one on council asked the question? IDIOTS..........

Quit preaching by the way

Anonymous said...

DUH, what do you call a painted crosswalk?