Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hugo Spends Less Than 25% on Police and Fire

"The total Hugo 2008 budget (draft) is approximately $3,929,000.00. Our proposed Law Enforcement budget is approximately $458,900.00 and our approximate Fire department budget is $388,300.00; combined, a total of about $847,200.00, or a bit less than 25% of our total budget."
Wouldn't that extra 20% our Council budgets for Police and Fire be better spent on road maintenance? We currently spend 45% of the budget on these services. ($704,000 Police, 2008 and rising) Why are we spending more than Hugo, which has a population more than double ours?
"Hugo has spent a considerable amount of money on our streets and roads. The majority of our over $1,000,000.00 road budget is not necessarily for road repair or maintenance but for new roads for new and not too healthy developments."
Quotes from an email recieved by SaveHugo.com

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