Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Survey Request by Councilmember Fehrenbacher

We realize this is short notice!  The Council is having a work session to discuss the 2012 budget after the Wednesday meeting.  The public is welcome to attend.


Lynae Marshall said...

Quite a short notice for such an important survey. There are 2 in our household that would like to take the survey. However, monkeysurvey would only allow us one time w/ same server.

I would like to add that all non-essentials be elimanted from the budget.

We would have attended tomorrow night's session, but have prior committment.

Thank you.

Ben Fehrenbacher said...

Lynae- the budget will not be finalized until December, so you have plenty of time. Can you be more specific on non essentials? There is not any planned road work until 2015, and that is just if we continue to follow our road inprovement plan. If you would like, send me feedback at bfehrenbacher@centervillemn.com or call me at 612-889-7389.

Lynae Marshall said...

After tomorrow night's 2012 budget work session, please feel free to send the proposed rough draft of the budget to this blog site. I'm sure they would post it. If not, it could be picked up at City Hall? Perhaps the city could use the marguee/sign outside to state the proposed 2012 budget is available and the Council is looking for resident input. I would be happy to look it over and give you my opinion as to what I believe would be a non-essential. Others could give their input as well. Thank you inquiring centerville resident input in this matter.

Donna said . . . said...

A copy of this survey should be mailed out with the next sewer bill and newsletter to make sure every resident has an opportunity for input. Posting the survey only on this website seems to limit the number of responses. Thus, not necessarily giving us an accurate accounting of the feelings from residents regarding spending.

The results of this survey from residents that received it in the mail versus only completing this on the website could make a significant difference of how the 2012 budget is prioritized.

Also,let's remember not everyone
has a computer.

Ben Fehrenbacher said...

Donna -

The survey was something that I put together on my own... it was not city sanctioned or council sanctioned. I also had it advertised through the Quad Press. Printing and mailing would also be expensive.

I think this is a great opportunity to remind everyone that gathering feedback is a 2 way street. Elected officials need to make themselves available to residents, but residents also need to make an effort to provide thier feedback to elected officials. 20 years ago an online survey was not an option.... but feedback was still shared.

Pick up the phone, send an email, stop by city hall or even stop by an elected official's home. We won't agree on every point, but it is our job to listen.

Ben Fehrenbacher
Council Member

Anonymous said...

It is nice that we are being asked these questions. However, why is Ben Fehrenbacher only posting answers to citizens and a survey and not our Mayor? Where is our Mayor?