I cannot tell you how betrayed I felt when the City Council did not listen to us. The insult was added to injury when I saw the ridiculous expenses added to County RD 14 in the downtown area! All I can think of is that we have to pay for the colorized concrete and fancy lights because someone has buyers remorse for moving into Centerville. The audit issue concerns me because the signers can be billed for the auditing, if I understand it correctly. That makes sense: it would keep people from making false claims. On the other hand, it is precisely because of the cost of living in Centerville that the audit is being requested.
As a single person I am sick about the assessments I am facing. Retirement is a very distant possibility at this point but there is no way around it! It's far too late to escape by selling, even if anything was selling. Since the Council feels free to increase our liability, just to satisfy their vanity, there could be no end in sight! It is obvious that they wish they had bought their homes in a classier community.
Disinformation can really be hard to overcome. Certainly, there are folks who would want to frighten people to prevent an audit.