BUT STILL RANKS 3rd OVERALL!Centerville's rank of 14th-highest in city tax rates was good news: The city has been the highest-taxed city in the past. "It's a huge improvement for us," Mayor Mary Capra said. She said the average property owner has seen an increase in city taxes of only $63 in the past seven years. The city is getting creative. Today, the city is sponsoring what Capra calls "our own little economic stimulus package." The event, called Dash for Cash, includes a drawing for $500 in "Cougar Cash" that can be spent only in Centerville businesses. The idea is to promote city businesses and the city overall. "We have a bare-bones staff," Capra said. "This city council is conservative."
1. Carver
2. Victoria
3. Centerville
4. Savage
5. Circle Pines
6. Lexington
9. Dayton
7. Golden Valley
8. Farmington
10. Minneapolis
Pioneer Press-12/9/2008
Of course, the Mayor neglected to address the special assessments we have in store. Oh, that's right special assessments don't count against the tax rate.