Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How Many Lawsuits Must We Endure Before The Insanity Stops?

Capra leaves office with no regrets.   
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Recent Letters to The Editor of The Citizen. 
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Anonymous said...

It does appear that this town is eager to sue those who disagree. But it wasn't like that in years past. Gotta say thats one of the reasons we were pleased when your blog started. Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

This is the way the City puts fear in the citizens. Dallas, I call this terrorism.

Anonymous said...

This city Cherry Picks and enforces only what It wants. I have a neighbor that has a 6 foot fence 18 inches in on my front yard. I have another neighbor that I asked to sign a paper so that I could put a fence in my backyard on my side of the property. They did not sign it so I had to put the fence 2 feet into my yard. Then they put up a fence in their back yard and hooked up to mine and never got it in writing from me to do so. I informed the city and they did nothing. But they will send out a cop to make sure you pick up dog crap in the middle of March when its frozen in the ice and snow. Then the cop comes out the next day to check like I need a baby sitter.

Anonymous said...

That's what happens when you have individuals that are making decisions that affect those of us who live here, but don't live here themselves. They don't have to live amongst us, shop in our stores, go to our churches, drive on our roads, have children attending our schools, playing in (or meditating in)our parks! I say, if you want to work in Centerville, you should live in Centerville and have to face those residents! Just like the Mayor's and council members have to. Give any of them that don't live here 6 months to move here, have a permanent residence, or find another job!!!

Mark said...

Q: What do you think are the most important personal qualities to have for mayor in a city the size of Centerville?

Capra: That question belongs to the voters. Whether they choose to vote or not, they make a choice in who will lead them and what qualities they value. My personal qualities for leadership differ from those of the 2010 Centerville voters.

The voters have spoken by more than a two to one margin. Capra got spanked. STOP spending our money on STUPID stuff like bike paths that lead to no where that our city cant maintain!!!

Anonymous said...

grants are great so long as you can afford the matching funds. we have been forced to relinquish several grants (thank god) because we don't have the money.
why in the hell do we have a city administrator (who is rude to everyone) and a finance director in a town of this small size? get rid of one position and combine them. we could save tens of thousands of dollars ditching an administrator that doesn't qualify for the job and was fired from his last position in cannon falls. the current finance director could do a comparable job and would be far more pleasant to deal with, not to mention saving us tons of money!