Thursday, February 18, 2010

Should Centerville Spend $800,000 On a Vision? D. Love Thinks Maybe Not!

City turns attention to storm water drainage.

With spring thaw months away, the City Council mulled over a project designed to disperse storm water at the Feb. 10 regular meeting and work session.
The time to get moving on the project is now, City Engineer Mark Statz said.
A new pond south of Laurie LaMotte Park would receive water from the east and from the new downtown development, according to Statz. Water that would normally drain into Centerville Lake would drain into the new pond, helping the city meet Rice Creek Watershed District requirements for runoff water volume control. The water that runs into the new pond would provide irrigation for ball fields at Laurie LaMotte Park.
The system, which Statz called “very green”, has already received approximately $300,000 in grant funding and is expected to cost approximately $1.1 million. He asked council members whether they were ready to commit the remaining $800,000 to move the project forward.
Mayor Mary Capra and City Administrator Dallas Larson were worried that delays may cause the city to lose the grant funding. “We have a nucleus for a good project; let’s see if agencies will let us downsize,” Larson said. “This gives basis for something that would be good for downtown – it would be a shame to throw away those dollars.”
Full Story Here

Council discussed the status of the new trail project. Glaser said that two property acquisitions remain unresolved with the city expected to achieve acquisition by March 1.
Statz said that plans and specifications are ready, the bidding process will soon start and that construction will start in 2010. Statz said that grant monies of $791,280 might be available to the city in 2010, rather than 2012. Capra recommended that Statz attend a Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to receive requests and suggestions. Larson said that city staff would prepare a budget and other items for council to start taking official action at an upcoming meeting. The project is estimated to cost $1.2 million.

Unresolved property acquisitions mean pending litigation and hourly fees paid to the City Attorney No mention of Centerville's obligation for the trail grant. See above Pond Grant.
Exit question, what will Statz charge the City for sitting in on the Parks and Rec. meeting?


Anonymous said...



$800,000 would go a very long way for road maintenance which is coincidentally, the role of government.

I want my tax dollars spent on basic needs and not Mary Capra's dream!

Anonymous said...

Now maybe people will believe that grant money is NOT free.

Wonder where Council is planning to pull the 800K out?

You can bet that Statz the (Bonestroo) engineer is being payed handsomely to work on this project too!

I can hear the Centerville City debt ticker going into overdrive...

Anonymous said...

WOW well said..
You have to look close at the city budget we are taking monies from funds to pay for all these costs. I have yet to get real numbers on the Engineering costs of these projects. Maybe its time to look at a full time engineer at the city. Everytime the engineer makes changes we get billed. The taxpayers where told that the 2009 road project had extra cost involed with it. How much was payed to the Engineering firm? Did they do a complete job the first time? How much has the City Administrator, Engineer and City Attorney cost this city while our roads fall apart..

Anonymous said...

"The water that runs into the new pond would provide irrigation for ball fields at Laurie LaMotte Park."

Just exactly how many years of watering the park would it take to recoup the $1.1 million?

It's like asking how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll.

This stuff is scary stupid.

Anonymous said...

But remember it would make it GREEN!

Julie said...

"City Attorney Kurt Glaser said the city would use up its housing stock within two to four years, which would lead to a demand for development."

REALLY?? The City Attorney is now an expert in development?
He should be advising the City on legal issues ONLY!!
Especially when he charges by the hour.

Smith/Glazer Law Firm received check #025165 on February 10th.
The amount was $15,103.24
Check the City minutes for yourself. There is plenty to see...

Anonymous said...

Someone should check and see how much money we have paid to the attorney and engineer for this pipe dream.
I can not access the records on the city website but would love to know.
Thank you for this blog. I haven't checked it in a while but the newspaper article got me riled up again.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a photo of a donkey "ass", so we can show the Mayor what "her vision" looks like to the residents of this city??

Anonymous said...

Best use of land is the new imminent domain.
I agree with the first blogger.
It's NOT the role of government to develop land.
Let's stop acting like the Federal Government and stop spending money we don't have.

Anonymous said...

Remember the State Audit?

"The city should consider opening up a competitive request-for-proposal process for things such as engineering services to "demonstrate impartiality."

The "very green" project potentially puts lots of green in the pockets of Statz and the firm (Bonestroo) he works for.

Does it take a rocket scientist to notice or is the Council just turning a blind eye?

Anonymous said...

Okay everyone, let's not lose sight of another expense the Council plans on putting upon us!! That's the new park, ain't that sweet, another park!! Yet, not one dime for a road maintenance fund - I bet we'd have a road maintenance fund if we could find someone to give us a "coupon" oh sorry, I mean bond for a 1/8th of the cost!!

Mark said...

Don't it always seem to go
You don't know what you got til it's gone
The day paradise put up a parking lot...


Anonymous said...

City Administrator Dallas Larson said...."it would be a shame to throw away those dollars."

What?!!!!!!!! The real shame here is YOU MR. LARSON!! By "throwing away" that $300,000 in government grants, (which by the way was the City's deficit the year you came on board - 2005), we would actually be saving Centerville taxpayers $800,000!!!!

Does ANYONE believe that Dallas Larson, Bonestroo's City Engineer Statz or City Attorney Glazer give a rat's behind about the people of this community? They don't live here. As I see it, their interests lie in job security. The more they push and grow this downtown development debacle (along with our ever-ballooning DEFICIT of $12 MILLION!), the more they ensure job security.

"The time to get moving on the project is now" said BONESTROO engineer Mark Statz. OF COURSE he would say this!! It behooves STATZ and his employer BONESTROO, to "get moving". What do they care about the financial impact on the Centerville Citizens?

Anonymous said...

Council & Mayor claim they want citizen input, yet they pass the buck to Planning & Zoning for the PUBLIC HEARING on TUESDAY MARCH 2nd!

Mayor & Council, you remind us very much of the current Congress & Administration!

EVERY CITIZEN OF CENTERVILLE should attend this PUBLIC HEARING! Don't think for a minute it doesn't involve you personally - it will! If our City government can eminent domain, rezone homes to "non-conforming" and slap moratoriums on dozens of 'downtown' residents, it can do the same to you!


Anonymous said...

We were surprised to read in The Quad that the City is getting 2 new parks? Does Centerville need 2 new parks? Can we afford 2 new parks? There's rarely anyone at the new Hidden Springs park. We should know because we live near there.

dave said...

this is a drive through town. always has been. always will be.

Anonymous said...

Interesting info in the Quad
Looks like city officials are in lock step with the federal government in land grab.

My sympathies Centerville

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else have a problem with this?
While surfing the Cities web site looking thru minutes of past council meetings I came across a letter on City letterhead to the Governor of the State of Minnesota as to why the City Attorney should be concidered as a judge in the 10th district.
What other letters does Mayor Capra use the official letterhead for? Better yet did city staff type this letter during business hours? If the Mayor feels this highly about Mr. Glaser is she talking for all the taxpayers of this city? Do other council members use the City letterhead?
I find it disturbing that using official letterhead is as though the Mayors view speaks for all of us.

I'm not so sure that this is an abuse of power.

dave said...

"City Attorney Kurt Glaser said the city would use up it's housing stock within 2-4 years which would lead to a demand for development." I would like to know if council believes Glaser's statement.

Glaser's premise is all wrong being as the majority of homes selling in Centerville have been FORECLOSED homes, thus NO HOUSING DEMAND and therefore housing prices drop. Evidenced by the # of building permits in the last 2 years - only 4. There are also vacant housing lots for sale in Centerville that have yet to sell.

Potential buyers are turned off when they look at property taxes in relation to housing values.

Anonymous said...

$400,000 had to be borrowed against future development dedication fees. It's like taking from Peter to pay Paul.