Thursday, September 3, 2009

Statement Of Core Petitioners Not Published In The Press

The group "Centerville Citizens for Ethical Taxation and Representation" who petitioned for the State Audit believes the results were helpful and productive for the City of Centerville.
Even though the investigation was very surface with little investigative findings, it still serves the citizens of Centerville an active participation in monitoring;

- massive spending, '05, debt of 500K to '08 of 9M
- checks and balances
- administrative monitoring
- massive developing in a downed economy

However, some residents believe that once again, in true Centerville fashion, the Council never showed any interest in what the citizens were concerned about... They very well could have arranged for questions to be answered by the State Auditor's Office Officials, but they were not interested in anything the citizens were thinking or had to say. The open forum was moved to the end of the meeting and the cameras were turned off before anyone was allowed to speak.


Anonymous said...

The City officials don't care what the citizens think. They don't care what the State Auditor Officials think either.
The open meeting minutes are still not updated on the City website. After their arrogant display of behavior, arguing to the auditor's that the meeting minutes are available online one would think that they would make SOME effort to keep them updated.
They are currently three meetings behind. With the fourth meeting coming up next Wednesday.
What do the Administrator and City Staff do all day to justify their payroll? It's no wonder the residents are clueless. The City keeps them in the dark.

Anonymous said...

The Council members were too busy trying to cover their own reputations and it was a disgusting display of bad manners.
Of course, they are not going to implement any change as the State suggests.

Anonymous said...

Mary Capra is more interested in the $12500 spent for the audit. Why wasn't she and council more concerned about soooo many street lights and the cost of the electricity used to keep them lit? What about the cost on the colored concrete. I personally think the colored concrete looks bad like they had a little of this color and a little of that and had a hard time decided where to put each color. So Mary you could have cut a lot of costs by eliminated the colored concrete and lights and electricity. Maybe you need to think about YOUR spending taxpayers money which is a heck of a lot more than $12500. Stop rubbing it in our faces!!! Oh yes, You and the council have incurred a very large debt. How do you plan on reducing it? Maybe start with freezing payroll especially Dallas's

Anonymous said...


This truth is clearly observed in our City. We think this 'group' Centerville Citizens for Ethical Taxation & Representation and the state audit exist in large part to the obvious arrogance, which we have witnessed first hand, from the current Council & Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that the City spent another 3 grand to purchase timers for the new lights downtown.
Turns out that the electricity bill is so large that the want to reduce the cost by turning every other light off with the use of a timer at midnight. I would expect there to be additional costs incurred with the installation of these timers.
Yet, they don't complain about these frivolous expenses and threaten to cut costs for the festival. Typical politicians that have grown far too arrogant and comfortable in their positions.

Anonymous said...

They don't have to implement change. Kurt Glaser made it crystal clear with the State officials that their suggestions were merely that. Watch the reruns on cable and you will see first hand just how they behaved...
The only way to change things in Centerville is to do it from the voting booth next November.
A new council can change the administration, too.

Anonymous said...

I want to say thank you to the several people that walked the petition for the majority that believe this current Council has it's head up it's a#$!
State audit aside, we know what needs to happen to take our City back!

Tom said...

What do you expect? One government entity overseeing another government entity?
There was no investigative work whatsoever.
Once again, thank you for all your efforts!

Anonymous said...

Why was the audit signed off by Rebecca Otto in April but not released until the end of August?
Why is it not published on the State website as of today?