Monday, September 7, 2009

Letter From a Centerville Resident

September 3, 2009
A big thank you for all the work your group did. In spite of the results of the audit, we know the adverse treatment we receive from our elected and appointed officials. They're all in lock step with each other in looking down on the city gentry of Centerville; claiming they know all and we are ignorant.
Your group is not alone; the signers of the petition are still behind you. There's work to be done during the next election cycle.
The Mayor and Council are bemoaning the bill of $12,500 for the audit, yet no one there has identified the reported $486,000 (2006 I believe) spent on engineering costs. That equated to $130 for every man, woman and child in the City and equal to 85% of what our police protection cost us that year.
Go figure where their fiscal acumen lies.
Again, your group did their job; we're still behind you.
Please pass this on to the others in your group.
Centerville Resident
(name withheld)


Anonymous said...

There is a reason that the State suggested "opening up a competitive request-for-proposal process for things such as engineering services to "demonstrate impartiality."

This has seemingly been overlooked by the current council as they strive to appear to be good stewards of OUR money.

Shameless, they are.

Anonymous said...

Amen to this letter! We concur! THANK YOU to those who run this blog! We trust THE PEOPLE, not those that sit on their high hill and purport to represent & serve us all the while continuing their oppression of taxes & assessments on the people.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how much money it costs to water the dirt roads daily since the completion date of July 31st was missed?

I would also like to know how much money we have paid to Bonestroo for engineering the fiasco this past year?
Why are our City streets still torn apart and who is going to take responsibility for it?
I smell another change order in the air and suspect Bonestroo will once again benefit from it.
Thank you bloggers for shedding light on the wasteful spending in Centerville.

Anonymous said...

Mary Capra stated during the candidate forum last fall that a dedicated road maintenance fund (for her) was a 10 on a scale of 10 being the most important.

Capra went on to state that we need to set aside at least $350,000 to cover our needs.
What the heck happened?

Why are we are giving approximately half a million dollars to Bonestroo annually at the request of Mark Statz, their employee and not setting aside anything for our roads?

The dedicated road fund is a joke. Just call City Hall and find out what happened to it for yourself!

Go Mary Capra! Yes, you will go next year!!!

Anonymous said...

1. The mayor has her own agenda for being involved with the city... its called assesment and development of her property.
2. What really qualifies the members, it sure is not education. With an insurance salesman, Part time accountant and failed buisness owner....what could be worse?
3.Mr D Love should never have be appointed. i'm sure he is telling all his freinds he will represent them ( the normal hard working folks... ha, thats what Parr said now he's choked on the city just to get his picture in the paper cutting a ribbon once in a while.
4.Mr. Larson, there is more to this guy, why did everyone stop looking into his past... i think you will find much much more.
5. When the members will not take a hard look at giving variances to small easment infractions ( flowers/rocks) We need to start picking away at the members yards, drivways, sheds, flowers and any other code issue. this is centerville peeps.... not woodbury Mr.Paar.
6. heck, i don't even tell folks I live in Centerville... I tell them I live in Hugo... it cuts the laughter