Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Anonymous Tip

Did you know that a "Zumbro House" is moving into Hunter's Crossing. Take a look at the link and educate yourself. These people were apparently given a permit to move into a foreclosed house. It's all apparently happening on the down low. People are finding out and are planning to attend the city council meeting tonight at 6:30 at the city hall.

Zumbro House prior to the news cast.
Archive Zumbrohouse/whoweserve
(Original text before sterilization) Why the curious and sudden change?

Verbatim prior text follows:
Serving individuals with high behavior needs, such as:
Sexual offending/acting-out

Self-abusive behavior

Physically aggressive behavior


Destructive behavior

Anger management problems

Compulsive behavior

Defiant/oppositional behavior

When is Zumbro House
Placement Appropriate?

Is the current caregiver unable to handle the overriding behavioral issues of the individual?

Is the behavior causing physical or emotional harm to the individual or others?

Does the person require a high level of supervision and staffing support in order to maintain the safety of the individual or others?

Is the individual's level of functioning compromised due to the behavior?

Has there been minimal pervasive improvement with other interventions such as psychiatric hospitalizations, crisis placements or outpatient treatment?

Here is the latest news report from Fox 9 news.

The current license does not allow level one or two sex offenders. For citizens of Centerville there are still a lot of unanswered questions, plus a second corporate foster home going through the application process just a few blocks away.
Link Here
Minneapolis Forum Here


Anonymous said...

This is correct. It was on the news at 10 pm on channel 9.

The Moderator said...

Thank you. We are looking for the video feed to link up on the blog.

Anonymous said...

That's just dandy. How was the first application process overlooked?
Guess we were too busy spending money on the road project and suing local residents to pay for it!
Way to watch out for the citizens council and let's not forget to thank you Anoka County!
Looking forward to the second foster home.......

Anonymous said...

How long will it be before the troubled teens are replaced with adult sexual offenders?
A troubled teen can do just as much damage to an innocent child as an adult so age is not really an issue, is it?

Anonymous said...

Before the news was broadcast this evening the Zumbro House listed potential clients as;

Serving individuals with high behavior needs, such as:

* Sexual offending/acting-out
* Self-abusive behavior
* Physically aggressive behavior
* Elopement
* Destructive behavior
* Anger management problems
* Compulsive behavior
* Defiant/oppositional behavior

When is Zumbro House Placement Appropriate?

* Is the current caregiver unable to handle the overriding behavioral issues of the individual?
* Is the behavior causing physical or emotional harm to the individual or others?
* Does the person require a high level of supervision and staffing support in order to maintain the safety of the individual or others?
* Is the individual's level of functioning compromised due to the behavior?
* Has there been minimal pervasive improvement with other interventions such as psychiatric hospitalizations, crisis placements or outpatient treatment?

Anonymous said...

What is elopement? A noun.

–verb (used without object), e·loped, e·lop·ing.
1. to run off secretly to be married, usually without the consent or knowledge of one’s parents.
2. to run away with a lover.
3. to leave without permission or notification; escape.
—Related forms
e·lope·ment, noun
e·lop·er, noun

Pray God that one of these people doesn't "elope" with one of the small children in Centerville.
To leave without permission, consent or notification is a terrifying thought!

Anonymous said...

This should be front & center on the City's radar!!!

At the meeting last night in Council Chambers the City claimed they just found out about this Zumbro House coming to our town last Thursday. So the question begs to be asked - WHY IS THERE NOTHING ON THE CITY'S WEBSITE REGARDING THIS?

WHY wasn't the City out "ringing the bells" to its residents the day they found out?

WHY when one googles Centerville Zumbro House to get more information there are NO links to the City's website - only to others groups & news outlets?

WHY didn't the City's outside sign say anything about last night's meeting to alert the residents they claim to serve?

WHY didn't the City send notice to it's residents via mail (postcard/flyer)?

WHY hasn't this Council passed an ordinance long ago to protect us citizens from this very thing?

And finally -

Anonymous said...

lol It will be on the city website shortly.
They often play catch up with the blog.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the County got federal dollars for this? Could this be connected with all these grants that Centerville signed onto. Whenever you ask the federal government for money they always want something in return. Did we already know about this ahead of time or just didn't read what we were signing? Follow the money!

Anonymous said...

I think, WE THE PEOPLE, should contact Zumbro and let them know that we all are willing to sell our houses in Centerville to them and they could create their own community.

Anonymous said...

Did anoka county services contact cities in anoka county to find out who would be willing to accept a house of this nature? If so when? And who did they contact? Press Rhonda for answers!Freedom of information act! Follow The Money!Also contact your state rep. and senator. Lets make them earn your vote not just count on it! Call them and call them and call them!!!!!!!!!!! Don't accept stupid answers! If they don't want to do anything,Lets Vote Them Out and get someone conservative in there! Don't let go! Keep going until you get answers! FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT! THERE OUR CHILDREN NOT THE GOVERNMENTS!!!!