The link shows how well our City officials have been managing your money. The nearby City of Columbus with similar population ranked 94 while Centerville remained at number 3.
Bear in mind that since the chart was created, our officials have been busy with:
Increasing Centerville taxes by 6.6%Read confirmation email from the City Administrator below.
(The highest allowable by law)
Imposing 4+ million dollar street improvement assessments.
(Still no dedicated road fund)
Chasing a downtown dream and placing bets.
(Approving hundreds of thousands in engineering fees)
Link Here
Link Here
Creating a"Fire Protection Fee" for those without City water.
(Not considered a new tax)
to city water, but receive benefits due to the fire insurance rating.
Dallas Larson, Administrator
City of Centerville
"Approved a $128,300 engineering services fee proposal from Bonestroo for the city’s 2009 Regional Trail project"
This is the priority of our current council? This is CRAZY! This is a slap in the face to the police department which just had their budget cut by 5%!!
This $128,300 would go a long way toward a dedicated road fund! The regional trail project should be put on hold until the economy improves.
This is a slap in the face to all the homeowners that have seen their property values plummet! I am afraid that the reality is that the council simply does not care. They have their agenda and they're stickin to it.
Too bad. I thought better of them.
We have well water. The last sewer bill from the City stated:
"Finally, ALL residents in the City will be charged a Basic Water Fee since all properties benefit from their proximity to the municipal water system. This was previously charged, only if you were connected to city water."
Mr. Larson states that this is a benefit due to the fire insurance rating. Sorry, but there is NO added benefit according to my insurance company and we are already 'covered' & insured for a possible fire. Our 'proximity' to the municipal water system does NOT give us a better fire insurance rating. So, our insurance premiums stay the same all the while the city is charging (WHICH REALLY IS A NEW TAX) for the possible use of water in case of a fire. Really?
Question: Instead of devising new & creative 'revenues' (TAXES), why doesn't the City find new & creative ways to cut spending and save?!!
Centerville is a 2.2 square mile (tiny city) town. My insurance agent said, ten years ago, that if you live within three miles of the fire department, you will receive the insurance premium discount. That applies to everyone in Centerville.
Larson and the current council have found a new "creative" tax increase but have gotten away with NOT calling it such by implementing their Fire Protection FEE'.
Only dummies would fall for this!
Ask your insurance agent if you are going to save $84 bucks per year on your premium?
Liars, liars, pants on fire!
Of course, we are all just a bunch of "disgruntled citizens" that should be disregarded. According to the administrator that is paid almost $100K per year and FIRED from his last job!
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