Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Centerville Anticipates Up To $120,000 In Budget Cuts

No Word Yet On State Audit Costs
By Deb Barnes

CENTERVILLE – Although the City of Centerville isn’t quite sure how big the 2009 budget funding gap is going to be, one council work session on the topic has already been held. City Administrator Dallas Larson is getting the city’s ducks in a row to meet the shortfall, which he says may be as high as $120,000, or almost 5 percent of the city budget, set at $2,604,320 last December. That number, however, does not include charges for the state audit report, which is still under review by the Office of the State Auditor. Since that time, it has become clear that some expected revenues will not be headed for the city’s coffers aft er all. City officials anticipate that $63,500 in 2009 Market Value Homestead Credit revenues will not be forthcoming from the state, and staff is taking steps to deal with that expected loss.

“We need to cut a minimum of $80,000, perhaps as high as $120,000 [from the budget],” Larson said. Those budget cuts will be accomplished in a number of ways. The city will see at least a net $22,000 in savings because of the vacancy in the finance director position following John Meyer’s retirement in January.

The Citizen
Full Story Here


Anonymous said...

Nice quotes in the Citizen Mr. Larson. Your pathetic attempt to blame the audit, requested by the very citizens that pay your salary, for shortfalls in the city's budget. I have a better idea for budget cuts - how about your salary? Your salary must be up for evaluation, how about it Ms. Mayor and Council members? Many people have had to take a cut in pay for businesses/corporations to meet their budget shortfalls, why not you? The combination of Mr. Meyer's salary and a portion of yours (Mr. Larson) should take care of the needed $120,000 quite nicely.

Anonymous said...

The State audit has been under review since January. Since we are not charged for review, the City is unnecessarily blaming the audit charges on their own mismanagement and ignoring the fact that 600+ signed the petition.
Typical politicians that we see right through!

Mark said...

Approved 2/25/2009
"The first order of business for the council was to approve consideration of a plan and fee proposal from Bonestroo, a St. Paul-based engineering firm, for the Transportation Enhancement Trail Grant project. For its designs and permit submittal work, Bonestroo will receive $128,000 in fees."

Repealing this would solve our budget deficit in an instant.
Maybe my six year old should run for council! What do you think? Why doesn't the local press question these clowns on their spending instead of questioning the will of the people and the price of the audit?
Nonsense if you ask me.

Anonymous said...


" "We want to make sure we are POISED to take advantage of that money IF it comes available to us," said City (Bonestroo) Engineer Mark Statz. The MN Department of Transportation has said that Centerville is a viable candidate to receive funding, he added...For its designs and permit submittal work, Bonestroo will receive $128K in fees." (see March 3, 2009 post)

Notice the operative words here: "we want to MAKE SURE we are poised IF"...

So, to the tune of $128,000, this Council is going to TRY and position itself to get 'free trail money' that we may or MAY NOT receive. Here's an idea on how to cut $120K from Centerville's budget; DROP THE $128K to Bonestroo's Engineer for an "iffy" trail grant.

PLEASE Council, RESCIND your decision to pay Bonestroo (Statz) this $128K! It's high time Council became more PRUDENT instead of "POISED"!!

Anonymous said...

The last two posts were very well stated.
Unfortunately common common sense and frugality have not been on the agenda for a long, long time.

Centerville Guy said...

Aren't we missing the looks like the city is trying to save some money......120 grand is 120 grand.

I am glad to see this happening!!

Centerville Gal said...

The City is not trying to save 120K. The City is 120K SHORT!!!!

Glad to know that you are glad.

Anonymous said...

It's high time Council became more PRUDENT instead of "POISED"!!


Anonymous said...

Seems to me that are lots of ways to come up with this $120,000 shortfall. I question why Dallas stated that we will on;y see a "net savings of 22k by the vacancy of Meye"?

If only we had council members and a Mayor that had some common sense and listened to it's citizens.

I say get rid of Bonestroo. They do nothing but "propose" to spend more of the cities money that we don't have.

This is not the time to spend 128k on and ifffy grant project that may or may not happen and besides.....IT'S NOT FREE MONEY.

Has none of the council experienced first hand what this recession is about? I can't believe none of them have not had their hours cut, salary decreased, or known someone who has. Come on get a clue. People are hurting in this community and you all sit up there with your blinders on and pretend it's business as usual.
It makes me sick to my stomach.