If you want to see the Minnesota Capitol lit up at night, go there before 11 p.m. That's when they turn off the lights.
State officials used to illuminate Minnesota's most famous building all night. Commissioner of Administration Dana Badgerow said Monday her department recently reduced the hours of lighting as part of an effort to cut energy consumption in the Capitol complex by 10 percent.
"The TV crews can still do their shots for the 10 o'clock news," Badgerow said.
From July through October — the first four months of the program ordered by Gov. Tim Pawlenty — energy use at "Capitol campus" buildings has decreased by 3.5 percent, said David Fielding, plant management director for the Department of Administration.
The state spent $9.3 million to heat, light and power the 4.7 million square feet of space in those 16 buildings last year. If administration officials meet their conservation goal, they'll save taxpayers nearly $1 million this year.
Asked if they'll reach that goal, Fielding replied, "It won't be for lack of trying. I think we've got a very good chance."
The program started with the simple step of asking state employees to get rid of their space heaters, fans, microwave ovens and other personal appliances. "We deprived them of a few conveniences — maybe," Badgerow said.
By Bill Salisbury
bsalisbury@pioneerpress.comLink HereRibbon cutting celebration to be held on December 9th at 6 p.m. Anyone get an invitation?