"Do not believe the information going around the city by a supposed watch dog group or some of the other candidates. There is a lot of half-truths and misinformation being provided. I have delivered action with results!"
First, we would like to question what exactly are the half-truths and misinformation Mr. Paar is constantly referring to? He does not point out any specific example, not one.
As far as the other candidates he fails to mention any names, which is the height of irresponsibility and fear mong

Paar further states that he has delivered action with results.
That is certainly true, is it not? When will we know what our property tax increase is? What about the special assessments?
Paar also states in red lettering that "Some candidates are saying they are running for you the residents of Centerville actually want Centerville annexed by Lino Lakes."
Again, he fails to mention which candidates he is referring to, and continues with the baseless attacks. Who is really providing half-truths and misinformation?
The final and most offensive statement is:
"Don't give your vote to candidates who misrepresent facts. Visit www.centervillemn.com to get accurate information."
This is laughable considering the City has not updated the Council meeting minutes online since 8/27/2008! Therefore; any accurate information on the past two months is unavailable!
Is Jeff Paar using a CITY WEBSITE as his own personal campaign tool? It would certainly appear that his campaign has been assisted by the information currently posted (and not posted) on OUR City website.
Is Centerville better off now than it was six years ago? That is how long this man has been in office. As for being a "supposed" watch-dog group? We cite each statement with a factual source which is more than Jeff Paar's flier does.
Be wary of anyone on the attack without the facts to back their attack. It goes to the heart of their credibility. It's time to ask Jeff Paar to explain...
Fear is the great motivator, knowledge is the great equalizer. Don't be swayed by someone trying to scare you, get informed before you vote. Your local government impacts your quality of life far more than most people realize!
I got his little flier today and it just made me angry! Paar has nothing to say except how he has cost me money in a slick political way that he thinks I am stupid enough to believe was for my own good!
This blog is great and I thank you for being here.
A desperate act by a desperate man.
I've noticed that on this BOOK of a flyer that Paar is handing out that he does NOT mention ONCE that we wants to restore the faith of the residents or bring back the communication between residents. Or that he is running to represent us. He is running to protect his huge, giant ego.
Just proves again that he is not listening to us.
Paar should apologize to every candidate running! Unless he can back up these statements against his opponents, he has no credibility.
Paar reminds me of Bachman. Attack your opponents with outrageous statements. Let's hope this backfires for Paar just as it did for Bachman. Lashing out at others is not a truthful candidate.
I think this has already backfired on Paar. No matter your political leanings, we all want what is best for Centerville and our property tax value!
Lashing out at others is a sign of desperation and indicates that you have nothing positive to contribute.
Wow! If you click on the picture it gets really big so you can read it.
Talk about negative campaigning!
I believe that Paar, Capra and
Fehrenbacher are campaining together so if you think you like Fehrenbacher I would think twice if you want change in City Hall.
Let's assume that I do decide to campaign with Paar and Capra. If this is the case are you assuming that I am some sort of puppet that will not listen to the people of Centerville?
I stand behind my education, background and knowledge that I am an objective and independent decision maker that listens to his constituents.
Again, I welcome your response, but please own up to your "belief" and respond with a name. Hiding behind "Watchdog" discredits your opinion.
If you had been harassed by the current council, city attorney or city administrator you would not be so quick to disclose your name.
As someone running for election, it is terrific that you have this outlet to voice your opinion but you are currently on the Planning and Zoning Commission which has had a direct impact on where the City is today.
Education does not equate common sense. You are not a long-time resident. In fact you only moved here in June 2005. What makes you think that you have the experience to sit on council, Ben?
Centerville does not need anymore slick politicians!
Can you say "bobblehead"....
The most successful people rarely have to remind others of their level of education...
I have never been harassed by city council. So, you are right..I may not be able to relate to the situation that you are in. If that is the case, I have noting but sympathy. My apologies.
Regarding my stint on the Planning and Zoning Commission...what decisions have I helped make on the Planning and Zoning Commission that "had a direct impact on where the city is today"? I assume you are talking about one or all of the following:
1. Public Work Building - this issue was never passed to the P&Z commission
2. Road Improvement Project - Again...this decision was made by the current council and did not go to committee.
3. Downtown Redevelopment - This did go to committee... but long before I was part of this.
4. Ordinance enforcement - I have been an outspoken critic of the "enforcement by complaint" policy. However, the alternative is to hire an additional staffer to "patrol" our city. Forrest Lake and other municipalities has this (they write tickets for watering your lawn on the wrong day, not mowing your lawn, not shoveling your walk, etc) and I am not a fan of spending tax money to hire another employee. I am open to any solutions that you might have to solve this issue. Please advise.
Please tell me what you were referring to if the above four items were not what you meant.
If you knew me (maybe you do??), you wouldn't question my common sense. I do believe education is integral to professional development, but that is simply my opinion. We will have to agree to disagree.
And finally...your comment on a slick politician. Again, if you know me you would not think that I am slick. I am a common sense, logical and most importantly OBJECTIVE decision maker. Who is not afraid to speak my mind...why else would I respond to this blog?
Hey Ben,
Ordinance enforcement is not that big of a deal and would not require hiring another city employee. Our town is 2.2 landlocked square miles. I bet you could get residents to volunteer. Heck, I would!
You deserve to be given respect for speaking out and acknowledging the constituents of this blog. They ARE residents of Centerville, which some current council members at City Hall would like to ignore and overlook!
Some people are concerned that you haven't lived here long enough for the position you seek.
Best Wishes to You!
You state in the commuent rules, "personal attacks will NOT be tolerated! Any comment that includes the name of a private citizen will be edited or deleted". Yet, you post alot of personal attacks and you certainly have used names of private citizens. I guess your own rules don't apply to you!
Personal attacks are NOT tolerated. The names of private citizens WILL be edited or deleted unless previously published in the public domain, such as newspaper articles.
The rules still apply to everyone.
Hey Anonymous,
I would like to know what you consider "alot". I honestly have not seen but one persons name mentioned, then it was removed. Everything else is either copied right from the paper or article previously written. This blog has been facts from the start, if you could please share the stories that you felt contained personal attacks that would be great.
Do you really want to be associated with Paar? Look how he talks about his residents that he is supposed to be representing (all over his flyer) with NO facts to back it up. What candidates is he talking about. Talk about spreading half-truths and misinformation................He is doing exactly what he is accusing this "watchdog" group of doing.
He states "Don't give your vote to candidates that misrepresent facts" I am sure the candidates running would like to know who he is referring to. Yet he doesn't state who he is talking about or what FACTS have been misrepresented.
HMMMMMMMM.......makes you wonder
I am not asking voters to re-elect Jeff Paar. I am simply asking voters to consider me for this role. As I stated in a different post, both Jeff and Mary have voted on issues where I respectfully disagree with thier stance. But they have also voted in ways I agree with...the most obvious one was the purchase of the new Public Works Building. Jeff was the only person to vote against it. His reasoning was that it was too much for the city to take on right now given all of the other issues (road replacement, downtown redevelopment, backage road, etc). Checking all opinons you have of Jeef at the door, he was right.
That is all I am saying.
There has been plenty of other issues Paar has voted on that were not fiscally responsible. The nasty tone he takes with those that disagree with him is astonishing! His recent flier just proves it.
It does sound as though you are campaigning together and your campaign materials are suspiciously grouped in with his and Capra's about town.
Its hard to deny Ben!
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