Friday, October 31, 2008

Reality Check 2

We have been getting comments and phone calls from the press asking the blog representatives about the idea of the consolidation between Lino Lakes and Centerville. We are not involved with this idea or are participating in any such discussion.

Kindest Regards,

Centerville Citizens for Ethitical Taxation


Anonymous said...

How do they know your phone number?

Anonymous said...

If you are not participating, why the link to their blog? Couldn't that be interpreted as supporting the consolidation?

Anonymous said...

This is copied and pasted from the Centerville/Lino Lakes Consolidation Blog:

"Centerville Citizens said...
Centerville Citizens
We represent the and would like the contact information for whoever is behind this blog. We think our groups should work together. We can be reached privately via email at

August 21, 2008 2:39 PM"

So you are not working together, yet you suggest that your groups work together? Isn't about time you make your real agenda known?

Anonymous said...

"So you are not working together, yet you suggest that your groups work together? Isn't about time you make your real agenda known?"

Notice the date of the comment. The contact was made to request their assistance with the audit petition. We have not worked together with the other group.
Email them and ask if you would like.
There are many links to other sites as you may notice. They are links of interest to our community.
If we were backing the consolidation, you all would have heard a lot more about it.

Anonymous said...

Let's be real, who in the HELL would want to take over a city that is $7, 8 or even $9 million in debt??? How can anyone in their right mind even think that Lino Lakes would even want us. You also are forgeting Centerville has recently built a new police dep't which they will owe on for sometime. So please lets stop the talk of such ridiculous speculation!! I have not seen anything on this blog that even comes close to agreeing/disagreeing with merging with Lino.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the Consolidation Group does not want to be associated with your group.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you are a moron.

Anonymous said...

If this blog was backing consolidation it would be on the ballot. Just another attempt to discredit by the people that are terrified of you taking away their power.

Anonymous said...

Consolidation is not a ballot question. Once you have the signatures the petitions goes to the state and a consolidation hearing is held. MORON

Anonymous said...

Really??? Consolidation would magically appear on the ballot if you wanted it there?

Very impressive.

Anonymous said...

And so what if they are working together? It would just be two pissed off groups coming together as one. POWER IN NUMBERS.

Anonymous said...

"Consolidation is not a ballot question. Once you have the signatures the petitions goes to the state and a consolidation hearing is held. MORON"

Maybe you should do your fact checking before calling people names.
The other blog that everyone like to refer to explains the required steps.

Anonymous said...

The consolidation issue is just a red herring thrown out there to change the subject.
There are people out there, especially the current council that would love to discredit or even destroy this blog.
Bummer for them... It ain't gonna work!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the consolidation issue might be back on the table. All it needs is 81 votes. ha ha ha
Of course, Lino Lakes won't touch it and we will still be stuck!