Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Centerville State Audit Petition Has Been Certified by Anoka County and Sent to the State!


Anonymous said...

AAAHHH HAAAA! We will see how much money we have in the bank! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

The Heat Is On!

Anonymous said...

Great job to all who walked the streets for signatures!!!

Anonymous said...

We have done a couple of months what others have failed to do in a couple of years! Go Centerville! The people HAVE SPOKEN!
Don't forget to vote on the 4th!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, maybe now we can cancel the City Festival "Fete des Lacs" planned and done by all volunteers and partial City monies? Last year the City donated $19,044 dollars to the Festival and Centerville Lions Club, a non-profit volunteer Club. The Festival last year had a budget of $38,889 dollars. Ever wonder how the difference was made up so the Festival could still take place? Hard work by the Centerville Lions Club selling Concessions and local Businesses donating to make up the needed difference. (Of course this won't show up in a State Audit that you want.) Stop picking on something you know little about and has taken place for (18) years. We'll probably need the extra Funds for the "Audit" this year instead of Celebrating the City we all live in with another nice Festival. Thanks, Lion Greg Kieselhorst, resident since 1989, Lion since 2002, 'Fete des Lacs" Chairperson in '03, '04, '05, '06, '07 and '08.

Anonymous said...

So Greg, would you like a pacifier? It sounds like you you care more about a celebration than the residents of this city.

Anonymous said...

Hello Greg,

You sound very angry and I am sorry this audit has upset you. I am not sure why today you would assume that tomorrow the festival would not go forward.
What we know is that this audit could be paid for with the same dollars that the yearly audit is paid for. We don't know that it will cost the full amount posted in the Pioneer Press of 27K.
What we also know is that rumors against the audit are brewing that creates fear.
I would encourage you to get educated on what the audit is going to cover. We haven't met with the State yet but my understanding is that it won't be a complete list of expenditures. Please see the list of concerns written in the Citizen paper on stands today. The complaints are much deeper then $20K for the Festival.
I can speak for our team that we want to continue the traditions of Centerville.
Kindest Regards,
Margaret Lee

Anonymous said...

You've got to be kidding me!! You think for one minute the city is going to let the one and only celebration that generates any kind of revenue go by the way-side? I doubt it. But even more importantly I can't believe you, or anyone for that matter, would be more concerned about a city festival than how horrible the city is with our tax money; how people are faced with losing their homes, to some lousy development that will be TIF'd (Yes, Mr. Paar I said TIF'd) for some 15-20 years. I challenge anyone to call the Beard Group and ask them. A development that is enveloping our elementary school and isn't even located in the "natural" business district. I could go on and on... Obviously someone has something to hide, because a State Audit will cost approximately the same amount as our annual "Financial Report", which the City could simply not do this year-hence the State audit would add no additional cost to the City. Also, I am well aware of the WONDERFUL things the LIONS Club does for this City and keep up the good work, but please do not even lead me or anyone else to believe something like the LIONS activities would suffer because of a State Audit, when there are twice as many streetlights necessary, unnecessary colored concrete, etc.
So I agree, CONGRATS to all of you who care enough to want to know the truth about the financial status of OUR City!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Dance!

Anonymous said...

We noticed Jeff Paar's 'apology' to Centerville Citizens in The Citizen paper today. He apologized for stating and motioning to the citizens: "bring it on".

Mr. Paar, you had almost 6 months since that May 1st public hearing to publically apologize, but you failed to do so....until now. Mr. Paar, as a "servant of the people", I question your apology...why now do you choose to apologize? Could it be because it is now politically expedient for you to do so?

This is my first time blogging ever! I would say that it is YOU Mr. Paar who underestimates the intelligence of Centerville citizens and those on this site!

Anonymous said...

Did he really apologize? It seems to me (and my wife) that he took back that apology by stating that "some of the citizens took the opportunity to carry out vulger rants."
How often does the current city council "air their personal agenda" during meetings.
The fact that a crowd is yelling to vote him off council should be a personal WAKE-UP CALL!
Thank you Julie and the other bloggers that are forcing change in Centerville!

Anonymous said...

They are scared of the audit!

Anonymous said...

Checks & balances are ALWAYS a good thing! Without them, things, as well as some people, run a muck with OUR money!! Just look at our nation's current financial fiasco!

I watched the Centerville Candidate Forum a few weeks back. The incumbents (Mayor Capra, Councilman Paar and Planning & Zoning member Fehrenbacher) stated that they had no problem with having a State Audit if that is what the citizens wanted. Well, now that the required signatures have been certified, would it not be prudent for the incumbents to follow through on their word by cancelling the accounting firm they hire for an audit and get behind the State Audit?

As far as I understand, the State Audit would not cost the City any more money IF the Council forgoes their usual audit. In fact, the State Audit could very well save the City money! The Council/City hires an "incomplete" $30k audit for one year. The State Audit, from 2005 through 2008, would cost the City $10k-$30k, (most likely, less than $30k).

I am not accusing the current Council/City of any intentional wrongdoing. However, neither will I put my trust in a Council and City Staff that appear to work hard at being ambiguous (even if they do have 'public hearings').

Checks & balances are needed to have a transparent governing body!

I, for one, am grateful to the founders & volunteers of Centerville Citizens for Taxation & Representation, the State Audit Petition and this blog! THANK YOU for being Centerville's "muckrakers"! ("Muckraker"?...look it up)

Anonymous said...

The term muckraker now also applies to contemporary persons who follow in the tradition of that period, and now covers topics such as fraudulent claims by manufacturers of patent medicines, modern-day slavery, child prostitution, child pornography, and drug trafficking.

see wikipedia

Anonymous said...

My definition I am using & applying here is coming solely from the dictionary given to me by my Grandma.
Webster's 1978 Dictionary:
"A group noted for seeking out and exposing real or alleged abuses in American business, government, and society..."

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The 2000 student dictionary defines Muckraker as "To search for or expose real or alleged corruption on the part of political officials, businessmen, ect." You are right on!!
Just because the city submits the report to the state does not mean they are going to look over it!
Who do you think is going to come here and pay outrageous taxes when they can go 1 blk N, or E and pay half the taxes to Lino or Hugo. I say we annex.

Anonymous said...

Originally posted at 8:32 PM

Oh Marie you really need to get into this century. And all of you who signed this petition are wasting tax payers dollars. The City is audited every year, not by the State, but the Audit is submitted to the State as required by law. The will not find any abuses. Don't you think that revitalizing the downtown area will encourage business? They only way the City will be able to lower and maintain the current tax rate is with commercial/industrial businesses coming into the City.

Anonymous said...

I think you have been drinking some bad water or eating "bad" chicken!! This is what as known as a "bedroom" community! Besides what's wrong with that? That's why we, well most of us anyway, moved here! We moved here because we liked the way the City was, not what we thought it should or could be!! Wake UP!! P.S. Do you really want the rest of us to believe the State actually "audits" all the financial reports of every city in Minnesota they receive each year?!! Again, you better buy your water and chicken at a different store!!

Anonymous said...

Jake the word is consolidate.

Being a bedroom community is why Centerville pays higher taxes, so if you moved here for that reason you best be prepared to open your wallet and pay higher property taxes.

Anonymous said...

To: Originally posted @ 9:23 PM

You say, "The ONLY way the City will be able to lower and maintain the current tax rate is with commercial/industrial businesses coming into the City." Really? This is the ONLY way? Like the ONLY way to get our nation out of the financial mess is with a bailout? WHAT ABOUT GOOD STEWARDSHIP & CUTBACKS IN SPENDING?!!

What about being "good stewards" of the tax payer's dollars in the first place?!! For instance, let's start w/ the almost $1MILLION dollar Hidden Springs Park that is hardly used? Was this good stewardship of OUR money even though the regional park just across the lake more than sufficed? Instead of a park, there could have been homes on those lots that would have been a tax revenue BENEFIT to the City rather than another tax BURDEN to the citizens through continued maintenance, liability, etc.

Let's talk business: I KNOW of two business owners that live in Centerville that were developing & building their businesses in this town. Yet, the City decided to overlook these potential revenue businesses and put all their chickens in one basket w/ the Beard group. Beard would receive Centerville citizen's taxpayer dollars for approx. the next 20 YEARS, at an approx. rate of 22% return on their investment. This is called Tax Increment Financing (TIF).

"They will not find any abuses". Financial abuses, perhaps not. However, what about the abuse of the citizen's property rights? The City is holding certain families & homeowners 'hostage' by not allowing them to make any changes or improvements to their properties because they fall within the 'redevelopment zone' slated for the Beard developer. The City may state they are well within the laws, but I see it as abuse of power.

Anonymous said...

ummm... an audit will not address "property rights". Is tis why you supported the audit? Because you thought it would look at property rights?

If so, you did waste tax dollars.... the audit will only look at the finances which are already audited every year.

Anonymous said...

No XXXX Sherlock! The state audit will address the city finances. November 4th will address property rights when the incumbents are voted out of office. LOL!
Everyone that signed the petition knows this and can NOT wait until election day.
Stop insulting the intelligence of the people in favor of the audit.
It is going to happen despite the city that has been consistently wasting tax dollars!

Originally posted October 31, 2008 12:05 AM Edited for language.

Anonymous said...

Hello "October 30 11:54 PM"

A state audit will not only NOT WASTE tax dollars, the state audit could very well SAVE ON TAX PAYER'S DOLLARS! The City has not yet had their own $30k audit for 2008, nor does it need to now that the State will do the audit. Simply, the state audit to replace the City's audit: no extra cost! Even better, the state audit may indeed cost LESS than the City's audit!

I supported the audit, along with most of my neighbors I know and over 650+ residents for reasons that already have been listed:
- "Checks & Balances"
- "accountablility"
- "good stewardship"
- "a COMPLETE audit" to replace the City's "incomplete" audit

Anonymous said...

Marie you really are being led down the wrong path. The City legally has to hire and pay an auditor. The State will not be the City's auditor. You really need to get a clue. You can not replace an independent auditing firm with the State. The taxpayers will be paying for both audits.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous,
Ask Mary Capra and Jeff Paar why they stated otherwise in the candidate forum? It was they that first mentioned the possibility of foregoing the City audit/financial report for 2008. You should get your facts straight before picking on someone. Maybe it's you that needs to get the "clue" or the current council members.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 9:59 AM
The 650 people that signed the petition were aware of the fact that the City will be charged.
With only 12 signatures per page, it would have been difficult to conceal this fact.
It's about time the City spent money on something the citizens actually want. It's also about time the City finally listens to the citizens!

Anonymous said...

Hello "Anonymous Oct. 31 9:59 AM"

I have just spoken with the MN Attorney General Office AND the MN Secretary of State Office. (Attorney General: 651-296-6196)
(Secretary of State: 651-296-2551specifically: Tom Karlson, Manager of Standards and Procedures for Secretary of State 651-296-4715)

If the City has not yet had their required audit by the firm they hire for 2008 (Centerville has NOT yet for '08), the City CAN indeed "replace the independent auditing firm with the State's audit" for the year. If you still do not believe this, please take it up with the Secretary of State.

Again, the incumbents can honor their word from the Candidate Forum and get behind the State Audit. The City & incumbents do not need to proceed with hiring their independent firm for '08 at an added cost of $30K.