I cannot tell you how betrayed I felt when the City Council did not listen to us. The insult was added to injury when I saw the ridiculous expenses added to County RD 14 in the downtown area! All I can think of is that we have to pay for the colorized concrete and fancy lights because someone has buyers remorse for moving into Centerville. The audit issue concerns me because the signers can be billed for the auditing, if I understand it correctly. That makes sense: it would keep people from making false claims. On the other hand, it is precisely because of the cost of living in Centerville that the audit is being requested.
As a single person I am sick about the assessments I am facing. Retirement is a very distant possibility at this point but there is no way around it! It's far too late to escape by selling, even if anything was selling. Since the Council feels free to increase our liability, just to satisfy their vanity, there could be no end in sight! It is obvious that they wish they had bought their homes in a classier community.
Disinformation can really be hard to overcome. Certainly, there are folks who would want to frighten people to prevent an audit.
"Unfortunately, some residents believe that they will have to personally pay for the State Audit if they sign. This is incorrect. The City will be billed and how they choose to pay the fee is up to the City officials"
OK... please understand that all of the funds that the city will receive in 2009 are through taxes, user fees, etc. No... let me repeat...NO LGA funds will be awarded to Centerville in 2009. So, this will be paid by the tax payers of Centerville...don't let this blog try to fool you!
What does the LGA have to do with the City's decision to spend over half a million dollars it didn't have for streetscaping? As a matter of fact, what is LGA? (Local Government Aide)
Everyone knows that the City will pay for the audit, this is not breaking news no one ever tried to conceal this fact.
You might be trying to hide something, like the transfer of our water/sewer funds to pay for a new public works building or another park we didn't need.
The citizens have had enough!!!
Maybe the city should just set aside some money from the windfall building permit fees it received this year. If a roof and siding costs $130 each and we pulled 1,100 permits that would total $143,000!
What are they going to do with this money?
Don't forget the required permit for changing light fixtures. That should be a chunk of change that could cover the audit.
I want to know what the city is going to do with the extra money. Have they said?
"No... let me repeat...NO LGA funds will be awarded to Centerville in 2009."
Why not? Have you torn down all the qualifying buildings or rezoned the existing homes to disqualify us?
Losing LGA funds would fall directly on the City officials and has nothing to do with the state audit.
The city had better NOT spend the extra permit money on new signs! Chances are that they would have before this blog.
Thank you for the outlet to speak out and stand up for the citizens.
"NO LGA funds will be awarded to Centerville in 2009."
The city only received $23,000 in LGA for 2008 but spent over half a million in streetscaping for the same year. How is this responsible? 23K is a drop in the bucket compared to the 100K+ the city took in for building permits this year. I think the first anonymous is a plant or city worker! Talk about trying to scare people. Sorry, but we are smarter than that.
Like my daddy always said, "A poor excuse is better than no excuse."
He was referring to coming home late... Not running a city.
The permits issued is up to 1242 now and I know of two other people who need work done on their homes and have not gotten a permit. That will make 1244!
1,242 building permits at 130 a pop equals $161,460. Quite the tidy windfall, indeed!
The windfall building permits will cover the lost LGA for an entire SEVEN YEARS! This would likely cover the state audit for the same amount of time.
Who pays for LGA (local government aid) is not a mystery. This is paid for at the state level, which still comes out of your pocket!
Yep, there is nothing free about free money! You said it!
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