Friday, October 31, 2008
Reality Check 2
Kindest Regards,
Centerville Citizens for Ethitical Taxation
Reality Check
I have just spoken with the MN Attorney General Office AND the MN Secretary of State Office. (Attorney General: 651-296-6196)
(Secretary of State: 651-296-2551specifically: Tom Karlson, Manager of Standards and Procedures for Secretary of State 651-296-4715)
If the City has not yet had their required audit by the firm they hire for 2008 (Centerville has NOT yet for '08), the City CAN indeed "replace the independent auditing firm with the State's audit" for the year. If you still do not believe this, please take it up with the Secretary of State.
Again, the incumbents can honor their word from the Candidate Forum and get behind the State Audit. The City & incumbents do not need to proceed with hiring their independent firm for '08 at an added cost of $30K.
Centerville Downtown Redevelopment
The City officials are working closely with The Beard Group to bring new business to town. Take a look at what redevelopment has done for downtown Circle Pines.
If you click the photo to the right you will notice that this is one of the empty buildings currently not leased and The Beard Group phone number (952) 930- 0630 is clearly shown. Link Here
Is this what the citizens of Centerville want? Why is the current council forging ahead with a plan that appears to not work in this economy?
See Mary Capra's statement in the Quad Community Press, Voter's Guide 2008.
(Question 5: What is your stand on redevelopment of older neighborhooods? To what extent should their character be maintained at the expense of increased property values and tax revenue?)
5. Keep the comprehensive plan laid out so one area of the city would not compete with another for commercial. Downtown needs to attract one type of commercial while the industrial part attracts another to keep all areas growing, and not just one commercial area of the community.
We need to focus on having a variety of housing options that will serve the various stages of life; singles, couples, young families, senior citizens and those who need nursing care."
(Question 6: Would you be willing to raise taxes to fund improvements to your district, and if so what improvements?)
6. "I plan on following through with current projects, but for future projects, if all other ways of funding had been exhausted, and there was no other way to cut the budget or provide additional funding for health and safety service, within the city, I would be willing to raise taxes. I have always kept a close watch on our budget and in this difficult economy I will continue to watch the national economic problems, and their impact on our community.
So we are curious Mary, is our nation in an economic crisis, and if so, what are you doing about the impact it IS having on our community?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Selective Ordinance Enforcment Part Six
Yard work was halted at the home of one of our senior citizens on 10/3/2008 without prior written warning, the City issued an "ORDER TO CEASE AND DESIST FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES" drafted by City Attorney, Kurt Glaser. According to Mr. Glaser one must obtain a building permit when bringing more than 10 yards of fill to a property in Centerville but he did not cite the ordinance or include a copy. The order further indicates that the senior resident has significantly altered the "approved drainage plan" and is somehow in violation of the Rice Creek Watershed District.
Unfortunately, the resident (living on a fixed income) has been forced to retain an attorney because OUR city is also issuing a criminal complaint before the Anoka County District Court.
The order was copied to:
Administrator, City of Centerville
Centennial Lakes police Department
Rice Creek Watershed District
Houston Engineering
The senior citizen obtained the appropriate permits from the Rice Creek Watershed issued 10/22/2008 when no violation was found by their inspectors. Link Here
The resident is still waiting for our City to lift the cease and desist order and hopeful that Centerville will do so before the frost sets in. Until the order is lifted, the dirt can not be moved from the driveway!
Could all this have been avoided if the City had contacted the RCWD in the first place?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Mayor Mary Capra
"The City of Centerville does have debt as most cities do and individuals. The "Watch Dog/Blog group always fails to mention the other half of the equation, the assets of the city. All of the indebtedness of the city is for public purpose and has to meet the standards set forth by the State of Minnesota. You cannot consider one without the other. The current balance in the city's fund accounts is in excess of $5 million dollars."
A couple of thoughts quickly come to mind. The amount of debt incurred by a city or individual is a choice. If an individual chooses to go deeply into debt, it is their choice and their money. If a city chooses to go into debt it is the choice of the elected officials and the individuals have no voice. Hardly analogous.
If all the debt is indeed for a public purpose, what was the rational behind spending an additional $500,000 plus on decorating the downtown? This is surely not a standard set forth by the State of Minnesota!
If the City does indeed have an excess of $5 million in the bank, what are they doing with it while we are assessed for road maintenance?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Citizens of Centerville Have Spoken!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Update! Council Meeting Minutes!
They are currently only one meeting behind! Good to see they are actually doing their jobs!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Selective Ordinance Enforcement Part Five
City ordinance is quite clear, there shall be no more than one political
sign per candidate per residential property. Why have some residents received letters from the City asking to remove signs in opposition of Mary Capra and Jeff Paar while their signs are left standing? What makes this issue particularly disturbing is the fact that Tom Lee is currently in violation and as a sitting council member, he should know better. Does the current council think they are above the ordinance laws?
The City has been removing signs they consider to be in violation of the ordinance and is dropping them behind the Public Works building, near the dumpster. If you are missing any, this might be a good place to look first.
UPDATE! Council Member Tom Lee is in compliance with the sign ordinance as of this evening. (10/27/2008)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
WARNING! Residents of Centerville!
"Do not believe the information going around the city by a supposed watch dog group or some of the other candidates. There is a lot of half-truths and misinformation being provided. I have delivered action with results!"
First, we would like to question what exactly are the half-truths and misinformation Mr. Paar is constantly referring to? He does not point out any specific example, not one.
As far as the other candidates he fails to mention any names, which is the height of irresponsibility and fear mongering!
Paar further states that he has delivered action with results.
That is certainly true, is it not? When will we know what our property tax increase is? What about the special assessments?
Paar also states in red lettering that "Some candidates are saying they are running for you the residents of Centerville actually want Centerville annexed by Lino Lakes."
Again, he fails to mention which candidates he is referring to, and continues with the baseless attacks. Who is really providing half-truths and misinformation?
The final and most offensive statement is:
"Don't give your vote to candidates who misrepresent facts. Visit to get accurate information."
This is laughable considering the City has not updated the Council meeting minutes online since 8/27/2008! Therefore; any accurate information on the past two months is unavailable!
Is Jeff Paar using a CITY WEBSITE as his own personal campaign tool? It would certainly appear that his campaign has been assisted by the information currently posted (and not posted) on OUR City website.
Is Centerville better off now than it was six years ago? That is how long this man has been in office. As for being a "supposed" watch-dog group? We cite each statement with a factual source which is more than Jeff Paar's flier does.
Be wary of anyone on the attack without the facts to back their attack. It goes to the heart of their credibility. It's time to ask Jeff Paar to explain...
Friday, October 24, 2008
Propaganda Machine?
Is the City website really for the people or just another tool for free (and possibly illegal) campaigning?! When will the Council minutes be updated? We suspect it will be conveniently sometime after the election... As will be your tax increase letter, when it is too late.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Petition Against The Petition?
To clarify, one of the State Audit Petition walkers had heard on the street that Mayor Mary Capra was spouting off about some residents wanting their names removed after they had initially signed. Instead of contacting us or returning our emails to find a solution, she decided to make political hay out of it. She even contacted the local newspapers and attempted to put her own spin on the story. Fortunately, the Pioneer Press reported both sides.
Link Here
No one associated with this group has been contacted regarding this issue and if they had, the names would have definitely been removed! The petition for the State Audit is a legal process and nobody associated with this group would jeopardize its legitimacy by refusing to remove a few names. There was contact information left with the petition signers that would have made it quite easy to contact this blog. In fact, many residents have had no problem finding us on their own. The support for this blog and the petition have been overwhelming.
The fact that the City Attorney is again involved (billing by the hour) and that Council formally put this issue on the agenda last night is curious. What are they afraid of?
The voices of the people will be finally heard in Centerville. Unfortunately, they have to go to the County and State level to make it happen.
Read the comments section to view some of the emails we have received.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Is This What Centerville Has In Store?
Link Here
More to come about our neighbors in Circle Pines, Lino Lakes and Hugo soon...
Uppal Enterprises
33 Village Parkway
Circle Pines, MN 55014
(763) 795-8855
Selective Ordinance Enforcement Part Four
Hanzal Resigns From Planning Commission
The Citizen 10/18/2006
Hanzal's one sentence resignation letter, addressed to the "City of Centerville" and forwarded to the City Council for its October 11 meeting, reads as follows:
"It is with deepest regrets that I must resign from the Planning and Zoning Commission effective immediately following the October 3 meeting due to family obligations.
Link Story Here
Hanzal Subdivision Approved
The Citizen, 3/21/2007
At its March 14 meeting, the Centerville City Council unanimously passed four motions that will allow the Hanzal Subdivision development to go forward. The motions were based on recent recommendations made by the Planning and Zoning Commission after several lengthy and heated public hearings.
The first and second motions respectively amended the city's comprehensive plan and changed the zoning of the entire 6.36 acre Hanzal Subdivision-located at 7381 Old Mill Road-to Single Family Residential (R-2) Portions of the property were zoned Public/Semi-Private (P-1) and Single Family Residential-Estate (R-5)
The third motion approved the preliminary plat for the development.
The fourth motion approved a variance to permit a 25-foot front yard setback on one parcel of the property, 10 feet less than the normal 35 feet required in this zoning district.
A handful of residents were present at the meeting, some wishing to present additional testimony. However, since public hearings on the issue have already bee closed, City Administrator Dallas Larson told the public that "legal counsel has advised the city not to accept any additional comments this evening."
Link Story Here
When the City chooses to selectively enforce ordinances and approve variance changes without allowing public testimony (under advice of legal counsel, which the public pays for) it breeds mistrust and anger. Does this situation looks suspicious?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A Little Public Works Building History
Centerville Gets New Public Works Site
*As noted by one resident, there is visible damage to the original public works building that was never addressed.
Staff Writer: Debra Neutkens,
Quad Press
Published: Tuesday, July 17, 2007
CENTERVILLE - City snowplows and trucks will all be stored inside at a new public works facility approved by the City Council July 11.
Members authorized purchase of land and a building at 2085 Cedar St. for $1.4 million, a deal that will close this November.
In the meantime, current owner Dennis Shudy will be making improvements to the 2-year-old facility, according to the city's needs. A $288,000 escrow fund was created to help Shudy pay for improvements as they're completed.
Centerville resident Tom Wilharber asked the council why the current public works facility couldn't be renovated, adding he was approached by other citizens about the purchase who questioned how saleable the property was with a water tower.
The current public works property is valued at about $400,000, the sale of which will go towards purchase of the Cedar Street site. The city has another $400,000 set aside for a new facility and the balance, about $600,000, will be borrowed from the sewer and water fund - essentially an internal loan, which will be paid back with interest.
When Wilharber asked how much debt Centerville currently carries, City Administrator Dallas Larson said about $4 million.
Wow! How did we jump from a $4 million debt to the current $8 million debt in one year? Also, if the City had already been approached by a potential buyer, why has the original public works building not sold? What was the mindset behind spending all that money while saving nothing for road maintenance? Our current council refuses to look back at previously made decisions yet is determined to move forward, full steam ahead with the revitalization project. History is a Great Teacher. Those that fail to learn from it are doomed to repeat it.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Candidate Forum
Schedule link here
This channel also airs the City Council meetings live at 6:30 pm on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is this Wednesday, the 22nd. It might not be a bad idea to keep an eye on them and you may do so from home.
Selective Ordinance Enforcement Part Three
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 6:44 AM
Subject: RE: City Right of Way/Easement
I spoke with Paul Palzer (the Building OFFICIAL) last night regarding your fence and tree. He confirmed that in his opinion, while a "technical" violation of the ordinace, the landscaping done on your property creates no problems for the city regarding snow plowing, nor does it create a line of sight issue when driving. Council considers his opinion when enforcing the ordinance. Though you MAY receive a letter to inform you of the ordinance and that if the city NEEDED to remove your landscaping for some reason, you would be required to do so without compensation. No action is required by you at this time all. It is likely you may not even be sent a letter, as you are already aware of this.
Talk to you later, Tom
As of today, the resident has not received a letter regarding the ordinance violation the City clearly states he/she is in.
What is the point of having ordinaces if they are not enforced equally? The City deals with violations on a complaint basis (call Mary Capra and ask) which leaves the door wide open for feuding neighbors and busy bodies. To those that might not know, Tom Lee is a sitting council member and condones this procedure.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Centerville City Hall likes to refer to them as "signs" but we believe they are more like Halloween decorations - considering they are only on the lawn during the month of Halloween. Of course, if these are considered "signs" the city can tell you how many you can have on your lawn, but decorations are another thing... I wonder which media outlets will enjoy the coverage this year?
Unfortunately this has been an issue for years. If someone complains, your decorations conveniently become signs which coincidentally is an ordinance violation. Headless bloody corpses are far more tasteful, right? Does government have the right to legislate taste?
Racy Tombstones Replaced by Others
Eyewitness News
Halloween tombstones offend neighbors (Oct. 25) Although a Centerville woman has agreed to remove several suggestive Halloween tombstones, the controversy is far from over. The tombstones each have names that double as puns, such as I.P. Freely and Ben Dover. Some of the names, however, are offensive to Heather Pranke’s neighbors and some passers by. Pranke agreed to remove three of the most offensive tombstones, but those are being replaced by six more.
As Pranke was installing the additional signs, a driver yelled out “They’re disgusting!” Robert Nelson, her neighbor two doors down, thinks the humor is not appropriate for such a public display. “Some things are better for a bar than a front yard,” said Nelson. “There were some that rhyme with duck.” Pranke hopes her neighbors are less offended with the new signs, which include such names as ‘Mia Butreaks’ and ‘Ilene Dover.’ “I just want everyone to enjoy my sense of humor as much as I do,” says Pranke.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Another Citizen Speaks Out About Misinformation
I cannot tell you how betrayed I felt when the City Council did not listen to us. The insult was added to injury when I saw the ridiculous expenses added to County RD 14 in the downtown area! All I can think of is that we have to pay for the colorized concrete and fancy lights because someone has buyers remorse for moving into Centerville. The audit issue concerns me because the signers can be billed for the auditing, if I understand it correctly. That makes sense: it would keep people from making false claims. On the other hand, it is precisely because of the cost of living in Centerville that the audit is being requested.
As a single person I am sick about the assessments I am facing. Retirement is a very distant possibility at this point but there is no way around it! It's far too late to escape by selling, even if anything was selling. Since the Council feels free to increase our liability, just to satisfy their vanity, there could be no end in sight! It is obvious that they wish they had bought their homes in a classier community.
Disinformation can really be hard to overcome. Certainly, there are folks who would want to frighten people to prevent an audit.
Quarterly City Newsletter 10/15/2008
It has been titled just that, The Centerville Newsletter for years.
The new title is... Drum-roll, please!
Centerville's Resident Communicator - Striving to Keep Residents Informed
Could this change be due to City Hall finally listening to the citizens and not an attempt to save face during an election year? Let's hope! Either way, the residents of this city and the supporters of the blog are forcing change!
If the City is really concerned with keeping residents informed, it might want to update the council minutes. As of today, the last published minutes (if you can find them) are from August 27, 2008. They are almost TWO MONTHS behind! This does not jive with the transparent government they always proclaim to be!
Thank you everyone for all your support and hard work! Let's keep it up!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Selective Ordinance Enforcement Part Two
From: "Dan & Mary Capra"
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 12:16 PM
Subject: Response to concerns
With regard to the retaliating against a citizen, the issue of the right-of-way concerns had been raised by our public works department five years ago. Last fall one citizen made a right-of-way ordinance violation complaint against their neighbor, which in turn spurred that neighbor to create a list of 80+ right-of-way violation complaints. The city enforces ordinances upon complaint and therefore had to review all 80+ complaints for merit. The council delegated that responsibility to the public works director and city attorney who reviewed the list and what was considered a hazard, thus the six addresses, of which the XXXX address was one. Below is a list of the addresses that did receive letters from the City regarding the right-of-way, at this point the City is not considering sending out any additional letters. The council was not involved in the process and was only informed six letters had been sent out.
XXXX Dupre Road
XXXX Peltier Lake Drive
XXXX Mill Road
XXXX Beaver Pond Way
XXXX Hunters Trail
XXXX Progress Road
Mary Capra
Sent by one of our brilliant citizens:
Historically, selective enforcement is recognized as a sign of tyranny, and an abuse of power, because it violates Rule of Law, allowing men to apply justice only when they choose. Aside from this being inherently unjust, it almost inevitably must lead to favoritism and extortion, with those empowered to choose being able to help their friends, take bribes, and threaten those from whom they desire favors.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Selective Ordinance Enforcement in Centerville
Why don't our City officials like the term selective ordinance enforcement? We will expose it!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Tricks Of The Trade And Your Tax Rate
It’s Not Our Fault
Many local units of government simply blame someone else for the property tax increases they approve. They cite a list of mandates, lost aid, cost increases and other situations that they claim are out of their control.
Counter Argument: Local units of government are independently elected and locally accountable. They have been given the power to tax and spend. They are ultimately responsible for their taxing and spending decisions.
The “No Increase in the Tax Rate” Argument.
The tax rate is the percentage of property value that is taxed. Some governments take advantage of rising property values by keeping the tax rate flat but drawing more tax dollars from the property due to an increased assessed value. They then claim a victory on behalf of the taxpayer by proclaiming that tax rates weren’t raised.
Counter Argument: Ask elected officials what the tax levy rate would have been to keep spending flat. Ask why that lower rate wasn’t adopted.
Debt Service “Bait and Switch”.
In this scenario, a local unit of government issues bonds to pay for a particular project. Taxes are sometimes raised to cover the cost of paying off the debt. Much like a home mortgage, the debt is paid off over time. However, once the debt is paid, the local government diverts the debt payments into other accounts instead of eliminating the tax increase that was used to pay off the debt.
Counter Argument: Ask your elected officials what debt is outstanding or recently retired. Ask these officials to explain the debt service plan. If debt has been recently paid off, ask how that debt was financed.
Does this sound familiar? For more information link HERE
From The Anoka County Watchdog.
"Over the past three years, the Watchdog has been proud to inspire other blogs and web sites dedicated to fiscal accountability and good government. We’re happy to give props to other web sites and blogs out there in Anoka County that are working hard to protect taxpayers. If you know of one, send it our way.
In the meantime, check out these folks in Centerville."
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A Citizen's Battle with the City - Oh, and by the way... Welcome to Centerville!
When we purchased out home we called the city to ask about being hooked up to the city water system because we had a concern over the existing well. At that time we were told that all water concerns would be taken up by the city council when the road construction issue on County Road 14 was settled. We were repeatedly told that this matter would wait for the road construction and that we could get on city water when the road in front of our house was dug up sometime in 2008.
This spring we lost almost all water pressure. Our situation was grave. We called again and demanded that something be done because the lack of water had become a quality of life issue and a potential health hazard. We then found out that we could not drill a new well and also found out that our being hooked up to city water actually had nothing what so ever to do with the road construction in the front of our home and that water would come in through the back.
When we discovered that we could not dig a well but that we could get a city water hook-up we requested to proceed with the hook-up. It took the city of Centerville 6 months to begin the process.
We have been given all kinds of erroneous information and spent hours on the phone trying to find out about the bidding process, how we could be hooked up to a hydrant if need be, what the assessment would be, who would be responsible for acquiring and paying for a check valve, etc. etc. When a contractor was finally hired they gave us a date and were ready to start work immediately. The day that the contractors were to begin it was discovered that no one from the city had acquired the appropriate permits from the health department. This meant another 3-week delay. Not only was this inconvenient for us, it also cost the contractors lost time and money.
When the contractor began work on the project it was discovered at the end of the day that the wrong fittings had been used. The inspector sent by the city did not catch the problem when he made his inspection. The job had to be re-done leading to another delay. After all of this we had to wait for a chloroform test and a hydrostat test to be run.
In the end, the city council did agree and maintained our residential zoning. However, it should have been clear from looking at a map that there would never be a commercial interest in our property. We should not have had to speak at a council meeting in order to express this concern. A few months later, we were again informed that we were going to be re-zoned to mixed use rather than residential. If the city deemed this inappropriate once and nothing has changed, why are they now including our property in the second phase of the redevelopment project?
When we bought our property we were zoned as a residential property. If this proposed change is implemented we feel that our hands will be tied. If we are rezoned to mixed used any potential new owners will be faced with being non-conforming and will not be allowed to make any changes to the home. No developer will be interested in buying our property unless all of our neighbors also agree to sell. We feel that we are being unjustly placed in an unfair and unreasonable situation.
We would like to see the city prove that the market can substantiate the current plan before taking on an even bigger proposal. If it can be proved that the City Of Centerville can support all of the commercial and residential growth and development of the existing Comprehensive Plan over the next five or ten years, we think it would then be reasonable to consider further action. But, given the current declining economy and markets, we do believe that a fiscally conservative approach to development is warranted over the next few years.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Decision Delayed On Project Monitoring Request
Centerville City Council members have delayed their decision on a request by the city engineer for a more that 50 percent increase to his bill to oversee work on CSAH 14.
Engineer Mark Statz explained at the city's September 24 meeting that his company's initial cost estimate of $55,428 to oversee Anoka County's work on CSAH 14 through Centerville had fallen short by some way as the 20 weeks of work budgeted in the 2007 and 2008 was insufficient to see the project through completion. "The reality of the situation is that the time has proved to be significantly less than what we really needed so we are asking at this point to increase our bill on this project by $35,000 to continue our efforts through to the end of the project," said Statz.
“We also thought at the time [of the initial bill] that Paul [Palzer, city public works director] and his staff would be able to spend a lot of time on the job; however, due to the resignation earlier this year and also there has been a hail storm … we have had to fill in the gaps there where we had planned to count on city staff to fill in and keep the costs down.” City council members expressed disappointment that they had only received news of the request the night of the meeting. “That’s a huge increase in the budget; that’s nearly 100 percent of the initial estimate,” said Council Member Tom Lee. Statz added that engineering staff had been spending on average 20 hours a week observing and reviewing the work of the Anoka County contractor on CSAH 14. “Our staff was so short this summer it was not able to do it,” added City Administrator Dallas Larson. “There were things that went wrong right away and we did need to have eyes and ears on the project, so there was some justification for having the time on the project.” City council members tabled the decision until their next meeting.
If approved, the oversight will cost the Citizens of Centerville a total of $90,428. Is this how Centerville should be spending our tax dollars in today's economy?
Contact us privately with City information, news and personal stories. All contact information will be kept private and not posted on the blog unless requested.